Obama Thinks That Obamacare Pushing Employers Into Part-Time Staffing Is Helping The Middle Class

The threat of Obamacare has wrecked the full-time job market because companies can’t afford to pay benefits. Obama calls this “helping the middle class” because he was trained to be a mindless Marxist since he was a baby.

ScreenHunter_91 Sep. 02 13.26

Obama is mainly fighting for Tomahawk missiles launched at Syria, and lower golf scores.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Thinks That Obamacare Pushing Employers Into Part-Time Staffing Is Helping The Middle Class

  1. genomega1 says:

    Reblogged this on News You May Have Missed and commented:
    Obama Thinks That Obamacare Pushing Employers Into Part-Time Staffing Is Helping The Middle Class

  2. Joseph says:

    You bring up a good point, Steven. The ACA is counter-productive to what the liberals’ supposed goal is and they have yet to respond to this challenge (I.e. completely ignoring the question). Moreover, I find it fascinating that liberals abhor perhaps the biggest engine of change on the face of the Earth: free market capitalism.

  3. Pathway says:

    Bambi doesn’t give a rats rear end about the middle class. To achieve his goal of transforming America into a marxist state the middle class must be destroyed, so there is only the poor and the elites.

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