Obama To Appeal For Support From Flat Earthers

After doing everything he can to alienate, belittle and anger most Americans over the past five years – the anti-war hope and change candidate is going on television to ask for American’s support in letting him start yet another war.

I’m sure that will work out real well for him. No doubt he has all of his fake pollsters lined up to immediately deliver some fraudulent statistics after his speech.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Obama To Appeal For Support From Flat Earthers

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    But Steven, he’s a ===reluctant warrior===.

    This thing about rushing to war on flimsy evidence, it seems familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    I don’t get the rush. By “don’t get” I mean I don’t know the real reason why. It damn sure isn’t about a poison gas attack. This reluctant warrior is anything but.

    Kerry’s remark about the Saudis being willing to pay for it, that guy has his head so far up his ass he should crawl the rest of the way in and disappear. Like President Obama, he has little to no sense of the American people. He isn’t competent to run the Department of Motor Vehicles, let alone the Department of State.

  2. Crock Hunter says:

    If you view the world through the eyes of a simpleton.. Perhaps.. Though this administration has many faults (all do) I am thankful that they consider long term consequences more so than the last…

    It appears that Republican policy concerning America’s future revolves around the second coming..

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