Obama’s Brave New World

The only evidence Obama has produced linking Assad to the chemical weapons attack is a set of panicked phone calls from someone in the ministry of defense to someone in the military wanting to know what had happened.

Obama would be laughed out of the courtroom for basing a murder conviction prosecution on such flimsy evidence. Obama’s entire agenda is based on flimsy or fabricated data.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama’s Brave New World

  1. BobW in NC says:

    Quote of the Day re: Syria and Obama:

    “If Putin’s maneuver [removing chemical weapons from Syria] doesn’t pan out, Obama’s foreign policy will still likely fall victim to the vicissitudes of a dictator. Because one message is already clear in Damascus: The Obama administration will do everything in its power to do nothing at all.”

    William J. Dobson, “Acting Erratically”, Opinion page 9a, The News & Observer, September 12, 2013, Column 4, last paragraph.

  2. Andy says:

    It does seem that he never wanted to get involved but because he said chemical weapons would be a step to far and now they have been used he got put in a very bad position indeed. He doesn’t want to attack but cannot be seen to back track.

    The UK putting it to parliament gave him his first get out clause, he did the same so being able to say that if he was backed by them he had the US government behind him, if not then he was doing what they said. Then the Russians gave him a get out clause on even having the vote, which he is grabbing with both hands.

    Problem is it makes him look and Kerry look like fools. Arguing over something which they don’t really believe in….just for appearance sake.

    You will find this interesting Steve



  3. beowulftoo says:

    Seems the only Adults in this negotiation are Putin and Assad. Our ‘leaders’(?) are stumbling over themselves. Shame!

  4. RokShox says:

    The US obviously has intelligence assets stationed with the FSA rebels. If Assad did not do it, the rebels did; and we knew it was coming. If it’s determined that the rebels did it, then we were complicit in the gas attack.

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    “Obama’s entire agenda is based on flimsy or fabricated data.”

    Or . . .

    “Obama is based on flimsy or fabricated data.”

  6. I want to know why even Fox news is putting senators on camera saying Assad did it. I want to know why even Bill O’Reilly believes that and wants to attack Assad. The only thing I can think is, they all desperately want to believe the system is working, and they all really take Obama seriously as the President of the United States. Which means they don’t take America seriously. Insane. To me it’s all insane.

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