Obama’s Freedom Fighters Tell Christians They Will Behead Them If They Don’t Convert To Islam


A third resident reached by phone said he saw militants forcing some Christian residents to convert to Islam.

“I saw the militants grabbing five villagers Wednesday and threatening them: `Either you convert to Islam or you will be beheaded,'” he said.

News from The Associated Press

President Obama is using your tax dollars to arm these freedom fighters. He also wants the US military to act as their air force.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama’s Freedom Fighters Tell Christians They Will Behead Them If They Don’t Convert To Islam

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    These are our allies whom our administration cannot wait to drag us into war in support of.

    I think you can also get a sense how Islam has gotten to be a dominant religion in all the countries where it dominates.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Only when the execution of Christians inside the USA by extremist Muslims starts will we all realise that it is not the religion of peace and love. It will be too late. Genghis Khan has nothing on this lot.

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