Obama plans to destroy the US coal industry, and put America’s energy future at risk – in order to restore the low CO2 climate of 1921
The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News Archive Search
The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News Archive Search
Steve, the Weather or not Channel had a good coverage of the Colo. flood last night. They forgot these earlier floods of course. It was good until the end until Heidi (Dr. Doom ) had to try to relate it to, you guessed it, global warming. Now more moisture is from global warming and not the permanent drought like in the SW. They had to show the usual ice calving in the Arctic. I thought the Arctic was ice free….. That is a terrible flood though. And to top this off, Chicago, Dear Leader’s er um Little Napoleon’s city is now the murder capitol of the USSA. Good thing I live in the free state of Wyoming. At lease free for now….
Yeah but it is different now. That was mostly natural with only a tiny human fingerprint. Now it’s all because of our carbon sins offending Mother Gaia. Now we must make ritual sacrifices and atone. So sayeth the wise men who will guide us unto salvation.
Have you noticed that we haven’t changed much in the last 2-3 millenia. We still seem to be worshipping some form of storm/sun/weather gods, believe bad weather is from some sin or dificiency and believe we must make sacrifices to propituate those gods. Now the wise men call the gods “climate science” and Gaia.
“Obama’s Goal – Restore The Low CO2 Climate Of 1921”
And the geopolitical climate of 1914.
Come to think of it Steven, as the serial data adjusters keep on giving us a colder and colder climate in the past, and you keep on digging up the past’s low-carbon climate disasters, the argument that warm times are good times is getting stronger and stronger.
Thank you for your effort.