Obama’s Kinder, Gentler Way To Kill Children

Obama says he objects to the use of chemical weapons as a means to kill children. He prefers the kinder, gentler use of drone strikes and late-term abortions.

ScreenHunter_87 Sep. 02 10.49

Is Obama’s drone doctrine counter-productive? – Page 3

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama’s Kinder, Gentler Way To Kill Children

  1. Hugh K says:

    Yes we can!

  2. Jason Calley says:

    I normally try to place blame on human error or simple stupidity when it is plausible — but there comes a time when the problems created exceed even those two causes. When Clinton kills a half million children in Iraq or Bush or Obama or whoever kills tens of children and innocents for every “terrorist” killed, well, that goes beyond stupidity or simple error. Murderers are evil. They know what they are doing. I see no reason in the world to suspect that any of our recent Presidents or Generals have been so inadequate in their jobs that they did not realize they were making thousands of new enemies against the US.

    Our leaders make our enemies on purpose, because by doing so they make themselves wealthy and powerful

  3. Brian D says:

    Might have a source to the purported gas attack.

    Seems a reputable journalist from AP has got new info on this whole debacle.

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