The past 24 hours was the busiest non-Drudge linked day I have had on this site, averaging almost one page view per second. A large percentage of the traffic was coming from Facebook. Drudge linked days get a lot more volume, but today was fairly evenly distributed.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Food And Energy Experts
- “Are We Imagining It?”
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- No Longer The Greatest Existential Threat
- Almost Unanimous Consensus Of Scientists
- Maryland To Drown
- Rapid Virus Mutation
- Wisconsin To Save The Planet
- Magical Musk
- “Scientists Forecast”
- “thing of the past” update
- Defunding The Climate Scam
- “Record Low Sea Ice”
- Leader Of The Free World
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- Bankrupting The #1 Climate Fraud
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- “The tragedy of modern war”
- Manhattan Project Victims
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- “Overcrowding and piles of rubbish”
Recent Comments
- GeologyJim on “Are We Imagining It?”
- arn on The Suffragettes
- arn on The Suffragettes
- arn on Food And Energy Experts
- conrad ziefle on The Suffragettes
- Bob G on The Suffragettes
- Bob G on The Suffragettes
- Jack the Insider on A Serious Problem
- Bob G on Miami Drowning
- Tel on No Longer The Greatest Existential Threat
One hit per second!
Obviously caused by Glowball Warming 🙂
Most excellent website. If you ever get up here to the Banana Land District of the Great White North, aka Moonbean Land, aka Vancouver, pls give me a headsup. My local brew pub and I have a seat reserved for you.
Talking of 24 Hours, And Sun Spot Cycle #24. The sun is very QUIET now. Amazing for peak of a solar cycle.
VERY QUIET SUN: The face of the sun is nearly blank. There are only two tiny sunspots and neither one is flaring.
24 24
Also the sunspot # is 24
Sunspot number: 24
24 24 24
There’s only one left now and that’s only a speck. For all real intentions the Sun is blank of spots. Other readings are falling away.
Solar Max?
solar max *of* a grand minimum … now, is it Dalton type or Maunder type?? …
Scratch that, the Layman’s count has the sun spotless now.
Yes, Geoff Sharp ssn count gives spotless for September 8 and 9, with basically the same measurement for F10.7 and E10.7 (UV) indices in both days,
The E10.7 graph clearly shows the decline of intensity after 2011,
Power Ball # Saturday night was 24. 245 million now.. lol
This site’s carbon footprint is now the size of Belgium!!
virtual CO2 should not pay taxes… 🙂
I greatly appreciate your website. Keep the outrage coming. I do not know how you do it! Brilliant!
Yes, I don’t know how Steve does it either.
Steve, do you have a team working with you? How many hours do you sleep per day? …
Anyway, I agree with Jack Savage, brilliant work and thank you!:-)
Just me. I do this and multitask with work from my home office, and a dozen other things. Fortunately I don’t need a lot of sleep and am at the computer on and off from 4am to midnight.
Do you use a news aggregator, or google alerts, or word-of-mouth?
The volume of information you must sift through to get the nuggets is astounding.
Just as others do. I repost many of your references on a FB page:
I must admit, I did post several of your articles on a Popular Science posting about global warming recently….
Give this a post, will ya?
Tomorrow is a big day with the Benghazi anniversary. Overpasses will be overflowin’.
Your site is the best! You deserve every accolade you get.
I am very loyal to Anthony Watts and to WUWT, but there is no point of view I agree with more than yours.
Keep it up; your following and influence will continue to rise. I guarantee it — or double your money back!