One Hit Per Second

The past 24 hours was the busiest non-Drudge linked day I have had on this site, averaging almost one page view per second. A large percentage of the traffic was coming from Facebook. Drudge linked days get a lot more volume, but today was fairly evenly distributed.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to One Hit Per Second

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    One hit per second!

    Obviously caused by Glowball Warming 🙂

    Most excellent website. If you ever get up here to the Banana Land District of the Great White North, aka Moonbean Land, aka Vancouver, pls give me a headsup. My local brew pub and I have a seat reserved for you.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    Talking of 24 Hours, And Sun Spot Cycle #24. The sun is very QUIET now. Amazing for peak of a solar cycle.
    VERY QUIET SUN: The face of the sun is nearly blank. There are only two tiny sunspots and neither one is flaring.

    24 24

  3. @njsnowfan says:

    Power Ball # Saturday night was 24. 245 million now.. lol

  4. omnologos says:

    This site’s carbon footprint is now the size of Belgium!!

  5. Jack Savage says:

    I greatly appreciate your website. Keep the outrage coming. I do not know how you do it! Brilliant!

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      Yes, I don’t know how Steve does it either.
      Steve, do you have a team working with you? How many hours do you sleep per day? …
      Anyway, I agree with Jack Savage, brilliant work and thank you!:-)

      • Just me. I do this and multitask with work from my home office, and a dozen other things. Fortunately I don’t need a lot of sleep and am at the computer on and off from 4am to midnight.

        • Ben says:

          Do you use a news aggregator, or google alerts, or word-of-mouth?

          The volume of information you must sift through to get the nuggets is astounding.

  6. Brad says:

    Just as others do. I repost many of your references on a FB page:

  7. I must admit, I did post several of your articles on a Popular Science posting about global warming recently….

  8. phodges says:


  9. Smokey says:


    Your site is the best! You deserve every accolade you get.

    I am very loyal to Anthony Watts and to WUWT, but there is no point of view I agree with more than yours.

    Keep it up; your following and influence will continue to rise. I guarantee it — or double your money back!

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