One Of These Two Gentleman Is Credible

ScreenHunter_160 Sep. 03 16.19 ScreenHunter_159 Sep. 03 16.19

Note that only one of the two has little, beady eyes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to One Of These Two Gentleman Is Credible

  1. craigm350 says:

    the one that’s been ‘plugged in’ to the carbon grid looks 97% less threatening

  2. Pathway says:

    I’ll go with the real Lurch, not the one with Traitor stamped on his forehead.

  3. Oliver Lange says:

    Given only those two choices, the guy on the right must be my man…

  4. nomoregore says:

    ok, trick question. I think it’s the same guy, only he was younger on the right…

  5. Andy DC says:

    One of only 2 men on the planet to lose to W. That was a truly amazing accomplishment.

  6. Jambon-X says:

    I hope Kerry & Pelosi get a group rate or a bulk rate on Botox. They must buy it by the gallon.

  7. SMS says:

    Is Kerry getting Botox injections?

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