Monthly Archives: September 2013

Arctic Making Spectacular Recovery

The map below compares current Arctic ice with the same date in 2002. Green shows ice present in 2013 which was not present in 2002. Red shows the opposite. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor Note how much more western Arctic ice there … Continue reading

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Hell Freezes Over For Climate Alarmists

Arctic ice was the last remaining surface refuge for the perpetrators of the climate scam, and now they have retreated to the missing heat in the deep oceans – more classically known as climate science hell. COI | Centre for … Continue reading

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Shock News : Nothing We Do Affects Sea Level

Data and Station Information for NEW YORK ( THE BATTERY) On hundred fifty years of tide gauge measurements in lower Manhattan, tell us that humans neither accelerate nor slow the rise of the seas.

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Hot Off The Press : Global Warming To Kill 750 Million People By 2035

Himalayan glaciers to melt (again) by 2035 Global Warming About to Claim Three Quarters of a Billion People 25 September 2013 The IPCC – the international body of scientists analyzing global climate change – is releasing its new report in … Continue reading

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All Long Term Iowa Stations Set Their Record Temperature Before 1937

There are 23 HCN stations in Iowa which have been continuously active since at least 1930. All of them set their record temperature in either 1901, 1930, 1934 or 1936. Station name State Station Number Date ºC ALBIA 3 NNE … Continue reading

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Western Arctic Sea Ice Is Back To “Normal”

Western Arctic sea ice coverage is higher than 1981, 1982, 1987, 1993, 1995 ……. 20130923180000_CVCHACTWA_0007283113.gif (1100×850)

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Shock News : NOAA Finally Stopped Lying About The Colorado Floods

“Having seen the September 1938 analog should somewhat humble us, and remind us that nature has a way of delivering without human intervention in the climate system,” says Martin Hoerling, a research meteorologist at NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in … Continue reading

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Shock News : People Who Make Long Term AGW Forecasts Are Liars

Snow is not a thing of the past. The Arctic is not ice free. Manhattan is not underwater. The human race has not starved to death. Tornadoes have not increased. Hurricanes have not increased. Sea level rise has not accelerated … Continue reading

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Rapid Ice Growth Over The Past Six Days

Green shows ice gain since September 18. Red shows ice loss. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor Next map shows the huge increase in western Arctic ice since this date last year.

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Diane Feinstein Thinks This Is An Assault Rifle

Video: Navy Yard shooting: FBI releases footage of Aaron Alexis stalking victims – Telegraph This guy walked around the hallways shooting people for half an hour, and the military base was completely incapable of dealing with it. He should have … Continue reading

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