Monthly Archives: September 2013

A Few Of Obama’s Flat Earther’s

President Barack Choom Obama has announced that his personal non-existent scientific prowess, permits him to ridicule people with vastly greater intellects than himself. “We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society,” Obama has plenty of time … Continue reading

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Perfecting Climate Data Fraud

We have seen quite a bit of impressive climate data fraud from government agencies, and one of my personal favorites is NOAA’s  Climate Extremes Indicator – which shows 2012 as being the most extreme year in US history when tropical … Continue reading

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The Three Greatest Dangers In Life

I bravely faced three great dangers this afternoon. I went to a gun show in Loveland, in a building full of guns which could have gone crazy and started shooting people at any time. Fortunately none of the guns were … Continue reading

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A Kinder, Gentler Low CO2 Flood In 1936

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Google News Archive Search

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Alaskan And Norwegian Glaciers Lost Half Their Mass Between 1900 And 1950

The glaciers of Norway and Alaska are only half the size they were 50 years ago. The temperature around Spitsbergen has so modified that the sailing time has lengthened from three to eight months of the year  18 Feb 1952 – POLAR ICE THAW INCREASING … Continue reading

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IPCC Reaches A Tipping Point

“Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. AFP: UN climate report: Key points The IPCC has now abandoned any attempt to base their claims on … Continue reading

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What Is Right With This Picture?

Premier League table

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Shortest Summer On Record In Alaska

Oddly, the IPCC forgot to mention this in their report. With the early arrival of freezing conditions this month, it should be no surprise that the length of the continuous summer thaw season was the shortest on record in Fairbanks … Continue reading

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Natural Selection At Work!

Eric Holthaus (EricHolthaus) on Twitter

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On 9/11/2001, nineteen men armed only with box cutters convinced America to begin rapidly self-destructing. But in 1972, people like them were easily dealt with. No wars, no self-loathing and no destruction of freedom. The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News … Continue reading

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