Park Rangers Shoot Unarmed Man Standing Next To His Nine Year Old Son

Lake Roosevelt park ranger shot man near son, family says

The Kettle Falls man shot by park rangers at a campground over the weekend had been standing alongside his 9-year-old son when the bullet tore into his torso, family members say.

Few details of the shooting have been disclosed by the National Park Service or investigators with the Washington State Patrol.

Lake Roosevelt park ranger shot man near son, family says – – Sept. 17, 2013

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Park Rangers Shoot Unarmed Man Standing Next To His Nine Year Old Son

  1. TomC says:

    No hesitation

  2. This will become more common–as noted by the police officer that killed the former football player in NC. Even more disturbing is the comments saying it’s perfectly okay to shoot a guy running toward TWO officers. It seems people now accord more leniency to grizzly bears, who have to actually claw or bite someone before lethal force is acceptable, than to humans who frighten cops. Police are woefully lacking in training or in job skills, I’m not sure which.

    When did lethal force become the standard of the day?

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I bet the “Rangers” say he was dressed as a Priest standing next to the boy.
    In which case it was a totally justifiable weapon discharge – aka shooting.

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