Pattern Matching Quiz

Do you see any similarities or relationships in these stories?

1. Islamic terrorists

The Al Qaeda-linked Somali militant group al-Shabab is claiming responsibility for a deadly attack targeting non-Muslims at an upscale mall in Kenya’s capital.

Witnesses say the gunmen asked victims they had cornered if they were Muslim: If the answer was yes, several witnesses said, those people were free to go. The non-Muslims were not.

Americans injured in deadly Kenya mall attack as Al Qaeda-linked Somali militant group claims responsibility | Fox News

2. Democratic Party leaders

ScreenHunter_822 Sep. 21 19.19

Communications Chair of Sacramento County Dems Wishes Death on Cruz Speechwriter’s Kids | National Review Online

3. Barack Obama

Obama Arms Muslim Brotherhood

The US just delivered the first four of twenty F-16 bombers to Egypt as part a $1.3 billion Foreign Military Financing program. Next up on the delivery schedule are 200 M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks. To Egypt. To Muslim Brotherhood Party leader and now President of the country, Mohamed Morsi.

Obama Arms Muslim Brotherhood

4. Global warming activists


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Pattern Matching Quiz

  1. Andy Oz says:

    “Are you a Democrat, CAGW believer, Muslim? You can go.”
    “Are you a republican, skeptic, Non-muslim?! Up against that wall!”

    Such a small step from empath to psychopath.
    Many psycopaths occupy Washington DC right now.

  2. Andy DC says:

    All four are completely disgusting! I am going to have nightmares tonight.

  3. It’s the carbon jihad.

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