Paying The Cost For Extreme Weather

Hansen says that fossil fuel providers are genocidal Nazis and must be charged for their poison gas.

We stand at a unique point in history when it is still possible to minimize climate disruption via an honest rising fee on carbon emissions that makes fossil fuels pay their costs to society, thus spurring our economies and a transformation to clean energies. If, instead, we choose to appease the fossil industry, subsidizing a move into  unconventional fossil fuels, history and our children will surely recognize our connivance and cowardice and  may judge us no less harshly than the judgment rendered upon the pre-war appeasers of the 1930s.

James Hansen: Allowing fossil fuel use like appeasing Nazis in 1930s |

Let’s do the math :

  • Hurricanes at a record low
  • Record pause in major hurricane strikes
  • Tornadoes at a record low
  • Fires at a near record low
  • Arctic ice up 60% from last year
  • Record Antarctic ice
  • No global warming for 17 years
  • Temperatures below Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C
  • One of the mildest summers in US history

Looks like they need to have a Nuremberg Commission to investigate why Hansen continues to push his decades long attempt to wreck the global economy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Paying The Cost For Extreme Weather

  1. Keapon Laffin says:

    No, the real genocidal folk are the global warming folk.
    How many people die of the cold because their government, by decree of the Climate Change folk, believed it was gonna be a warm winter, so they didn’t recommend people stock up on supplies, didn’t stop up on supplies themselves to help out the poor/elderly, and generally recommend that everyone get out their beach equipment instead of warm clothes and snow shovels.
    Now, I’m not a big fan of ‘it’s the government’s fault for not helping people out’, but folk of the more socialist bent(Europe) tend to be fans of that sort of thinking. Why aren’t the Big Government people asking questions about why thousands and thousands(10’s of thousands by some estimates) of pensioner’s freeze to death every winter? Thas just in the UK.
    We all know why they die. They’re poor, heating fuel is expensive. Why is it expensive? Because Global Warming folk tax the hell out of it, thus raising the price.
    But why should they care? Old people from rich countries are a small price to pay to save some polar bears (which aren’t in any trouble).

  2. nigelf says:

    While I don’t want to see a Nuremberg style sentence imposed on Hansen, he does need to have his science degrees and freedom taken away for a long time plus a devastating financial penalty imposed upon him.
    Then we can focus on the next hundred cohorts in this fraud.

  3. Andy DC says:

    The greens are the obvious deniers. They are denying that the effects of CO2 have been minimal at best and that their scare tactics have no basis in fact. The have done irreparable damage to the nation’s economy and shoud be treated as the treasonous bastards that they are!

  4. Gina says:

    This is a great list!

  5. CJ says:

    You forgot idiohansen predicted in 1988(?) NYC underwater? In what was it? 20 or 30 years??

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