Climate scientists tell us that life can’t survive in warm climates, so millions of people who were planning on spending their winter holiday in Mexico are now booking a vacation in Winnipeg.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Independent on Accelerating Sea Level Rise In Philadelphia
- Independent on Global Warming Researchers Rescued From Snow
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- Bob G on Tough Week For Science Criminals
- arn on Global Warming Researchers Rescued From Snow
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- conrad ziefle on Fifteen Days To Slow The Spread
- conrad ziefle on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- Robertvd on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- dm on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
We call it “Winterpeg”
If you ever get to the ‘peg and you get invited to a “Social”, make sure you go.
They do party well in the ‘peg and their socials don’t tea and biscuits or little sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
They are correct, it’s much safer in Winnipeg than in Mexico. Although Mexico is much safer than Chicago.
They LIE about everything:
Leaked Documents Show UN Climate Change Group Was Urged To Cover Up Fact Earth’s Temperature Hasn’t Increased For Last 15 Years…
“The United States delegation even weighed in, urging the authors of the report to explain away the lack of warming using the ‘leading hypothesis’ among scientists that the lower warming is down to more heat being absorbed by the ocean – which has got hotter.”
A thing must be hot before it can get hotter.
Actually, it is because Obama sent 2000 guns to criminals in Mexico.
That’s why climate scientists fly to French Polynesia on their junkets and why climate conferences go to places such as Cancun. It’s so they can view the devastation first hand.
High temperatures in Labrador were only in the 30’s this afternoon. Too cold to plan a vacation there, even in September.
You mean I bought a house in phoenix to get away from alberta winters and I should have bought in Winnipeg??? Shocked I tell ya shocked