Preview Of Teleprompter Tuesday

ScreenHunter_285 Sep. 06 09.43

I don’t have time to debate the flat-earth society United Nations

It is our moral imperative that we act to stop climate change Syrian weapons of mass destruction from wrecking the planet, before it is too late.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Preview Of Teleprompter Tuesday

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Shakespeare could not have written a better comedy than what OBumbles is actually doing.

    Or is it a tragedy?

  2. EW3 says:

    Darn, tuesday evening is when I change the kitty litter box…

  3. SMS says:

    When you tell a fib, you do sweat. Students of body language know that. Tell a big lie, sweat profusely.

  4. Robertv says:

    To know that there are snipers all around you ‘doing their job’ must be a hell of a feeling.

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