Quote Of The Day

I took my official Edinburgh Castle gift shop rain poncho out for a circum-flood tour on my bicycle this morning

ScreenHunter_600 Sep. 15 13.04

There isn’t actually a castle in Bellvue, Colorado – but it does look a bit like Scotland today.

ScreenHunter_599 Sep. 15 12.50

There was a sheriff’s deputy blocking the road into Bellvue, who angrily told me :

This is a natural disaster, not a photo-op. We have enough people to keep track of already.

I thought the NSA had that tracking thing covered already. No need to duplicate efforts.

Amazing that I survived those summers working by myself as a wilderness ranger in the high country, without anyone from the nanny state telling me where to go.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Quote Of The Day

  1. squid2112 says:

    Very pretty pictures! … just keep yourself safe… you have done a fine job thus far.

  2. gator69 says:

    “This is a natural disaster, not a photo-op. We have enough people to keep track of already.”

    Too bad he wasn’t on duty in New Jersey last year confronting Laurel and Hardy.

  3. exNOAAman says:

    “This is a natural disaster, not a photo-op. We have enough people to keep track of already.”
    That kid’s got nerve.

  4. Jimmy Haigh says:

    In Scotland we call weather like that “dreich”.

  5. jef says:

    Ok, I guess there is a Barny Fief in every town.

  6. geologyjim says:

    Who told Barney Fife (that’s for you, Jef) it was his job to “keep track” of everyone??

    Can we all say “Too much fu**in’ government!!!?”

    The whole point of the Constitution was for people to be able to live with very limited government, and only with the consent of the governed. Let’s repeat – –

    VERY . .. . . LIMITED . . . . GOVERNMENT

    to preserve and protect LIBERTY and FREEDOM.

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