Rapid Ice Growth Over The Past Six Days

Green shows ice gain since September 18. Red shows ice loss.

ScreenHunter_942 Sep. 25 17.23

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

Next map shows the huge increase in western Arctic ice since this date last year.

ScreenHunter_943 Sep. 25 17.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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35 Responses to Rapid Ice Growth Over The Past Six Days

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    If Europe has another cold winter, the alarmists won’t be able to blame all that open Arctic Ocean water changing the jet stream (just like this year they could not blame the drought for the record low tornadoes as they did in 2012).

    • Latimer Alder says:

      I’m sure they’ll try.

      It’ll be ‘unstable climate conditions’ or ‘rapidly changing ice patterns confusing the jet stream’, or other such handwaving.

      But the good news is that with the recent welcome change in the media/political ‘climate’ (at least in UK), they won’t be heard in awed and respectful silence as in the past…but will need to work a great deal harder to justify themselves to the public. Even the BBC is allowing a few shards of sceptical light to fall on the all-enveloping alarmist gloom.

      The Times They Are A’Changing..and – for the warmists – very much for the worse. Their gravy train is slowing down.

  2. Mike says:

    At this pace the entire Earth will be covered with Ice in a matter of weeks! We have to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on SUV’s before it’s to late!

    • EW3 says:

      The US could spend billions of taxpayer dollars on just one SUV /sarc

    • ErnieM says:

      I don’t trust you; you look too much like Ronald Reagan. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing if the low solar activity equals colder climate hypothesis holds. I’d guess it will and winter will be cold. I’m getting extra firewood.

      • Mike says:

        I’m with you… I don’t even trust me.

      • westhoustongeo says:

        Hardly a hypothesis. Four hundred years of careful observation and historical accounts of the Little Ice Age (see London Frost Fairs and Netherlands skating tournaments) have made this a well-proven theory. Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hypothesis and really has no proof yet, since the warming that has taken place in the last ~170 years can be readily explained by the Solar activity called the “Modern Maximum” (may it rest in peace).

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Only the ARCTIC ROSE GRAPH (right) shows a little bumphttp://arctic-roos.org/observations/satellite-data/sea-ice/

  4. Bob Knows says:

    The alarmists will claim that their efforts to reduce CO2 have succeeded in stopping global warming.

    • Nigel Boyle says:

      CO2 output follow temp change. Cold oceans absorb it, warm expel it. As we cool the CO2 will then follow, with enough delay that the warmists can not claim it is a man made change

      • Bob Knows says:

        The alarmists never let facts get in their way. They will claim success for global cooling, and demand more carbon taxes than ever. .

    • westhoustongeo says:

      Alas, their efforts have done naught! CO2 has risen steadily, so that negates the connection ‘tween CO2 and temperature.
      The US CO2 emmisions has gone down to early 1990’s level. This is ONLY because of the cheap price of natural gas (Thank You Hydraulic Fracturing!). But China and India build dirty coal plants at an incredible rate.
      But it doesn”t matter because CO2 is Not a Problem!
      And now we look into the future of Low Solar Activity and cooler temperatures all around.
      Happy Days!

    • Lou says:

      I have a fool proof system to keep elephants out of my back yard. It has worked for three decades.

  5. freedom007 says:

    Stopped too perfectly I suppose :-((( “The Sorcerer´s Apprentice” story made real!
    Call for the Master who alone can call the evil spirits back – pray to God!
    He can give back reason to the powerful and rich, or extinct them instead of them ruthlessly risking and sacrificing the lives of Us the People.

    Some other important subject for prayer:

    Iranian President Rouhani called for something very necessary with his preposition of a world wide nuke disarmament. If the World Community agrees on this, we “only” have to make a total atomic plants disarmament and a total GMO ban follow … and Order will be restored on Earth. There will be many other issues to be solved (I mean issues of survival and ecological facts not of political power games) but those, including weather manipulation, are minor in comparison to the three modern Deadly Sins which can extinct all life on Earth: Nukes, Atomic Plants, GMO.

    Islam is not only a warlike ideology. This is only its dark side which gets fed and pampered and used and abused by warlords and gangsters from all parts of the world for their own advantages. It also is a real Monotheist Religion, a sort of “Torah vs. 1.1” which deserves some respect. I know some average Muslims. Most of them act and think quite the same way as did our practicing-Christian great-grandparents. Meek, pious, industriousthey are, and a bit superstitious or narrowminded ;-))), and sometimes a bit sly ;-))) but not fanatical at all.

    Hope the Shia Muslim part of Humankind will unite in fasting and prayer – but not in warfare or terrorism – for these essential aims, inspired by their President´s idea. I guess Catholic and Lutheran Churches would soon join in. And so would I, at least praying (I am not so good at doing austerities). Inshallah!

  6. Cutmetal says:

    Not only do we have rapid ice growth… but has anyone asked… where is all the Atlantic Ocean heat? Not one Hurricane in the Atlantic getting anywhere near the U.S. Hurricanes are driven by heat, and here it is the 26th. of September … and nothing… not even a tropical disturbance worth mentioning. Where’s the heat?

  7. johnturmel says:

    Jct: Should be a fun winter for the mann-made global warming hoaxers! Har har har har har har.

  8. WillWyckoff says:

    Could these changes be associated with the polar shift?

  9. Trevor Mitcehll says:

    Global Warming sceptics are practically frozen out of the BBC, in that they have next to chance of airing their views and their arguments there. Instead, the Corporation positively delights in giving headline status to the pronouncements from the Global Warming believers ,and in giving them easy interviews where their breathtakingly fatuous assumptions are not seriously challenged, just accepted at the end of the interview as if pearls of wisdom had been delivered. But then, we’re talking about the BBC, cosy bedfellow of the ludicrously liberal “Guardian” newspaper. Why is it, anyway, that those postulating the absurd theories of man-made climate change are generally all Lefties, all with the same “politically correct” liberal opinions on any topic you care to mention ?

  10. Daniel Rivet says:

    The grow of Artic-Ice are due to de colapse of severals glaciars which are separe from the continental by the Global Temperature are increasing.

    The Artic-Ice didn´t grow! The pictures are a manipulation of the reality!. The Artic-Ice thickness was less than the lass year, nor bigger than! In this years one ICEBERG, the “B31” Iceberg wich 31 Kilometers wide is part of you are “INCLUDING” in YOUR “Artic-Ice grow”, but, it isn´t the truth!

    This iceberg means, that the Glaciar Pine Island in Artic Coast (Admunsen Sea) LOST 31 KILOMETERS of THEIR ICE which was OVER the CONTINENTAL SHELF, what you didn´t comment in this picture.

    Independent of we will to do now, it´s sure that other West-Artic Glaciars will goes to the Admunsen´s Sea and yo try to explain that the Artic-Ice are growing! but I´m sorry for you and your sponsors, … because at these moment will happend the oceans level will be over 1´5 to 2 meters than now and a greatr numbers of fosile oil vehicles will be UNDER WATER, unutilised, equaly to a great number of fosile oil factories.

    The BIG problem will be with the Nuclear Plants close to the Sea, like Japan, as Fukusima and a lot of more in all the world.

    The increase of Artic-Ice volumen are pieces of the icebergs from the Artic continent glaciers which were melting and them goes together over the Admunsen´s Sea and only just have 2 meters of width ice, whereas before there were on the Antarctic continent with a width of some hundreds of meters and kilometers wide and long ! What samples as growth is the result of melting of Antarctica.

    The same applies in the Peak´s Glacier at British Columbia which has retreated 730 meters in last 30 years, when it will should be growing, because we are in the first steps of the start of an New Ice Age, so instead of backing should be growing or staying, but never retreated!.
    The same situation appears in other glaciars, like Perito Moreno´s glaciar at Argentina near to Antartic continent, which refreated 900 meters in last 30 years , wath means like if you drive yor car at 900Km/hour VS 100Km/hour (imagine 100Km/h as the top legal velocity).

    In Bangladesh in the last 5 years, the coast earth lost over 250 meters in all the coast border arround the Bengalli´s Gulf and due to this, houses, plots for agriculture, animals, or other bussiness. The worts area are where in the Buriganga river joins with Bengalli´s Gulf!. The most of people, from 1st economy sector without other cualifications should to go at DACA or Chittagong, where they haven´t competences to life. DACA is the most populated city in the world now and only 45% of buidings have drains and all the treets full of garbage and organic waste that ends up in the ocean across the river and thence in the fish we eat, polluting the waters evaporated, rain down on us, watering our plants and food, drink us and the animals that feed us and in a short time as well as be further contaminated due to low over the sea off the coast of Bangladesh, these cities will be flooded around 1.5 meters and with them waste industries sent there from the first world way offshore to reduce costs and save us the trouble of unions and comply with aspects such as occupational risk prevention of occupational hazards so the expected flood of around 1.5 meters under water stop polluting the oceans of waste from industries such as textile, chemical, pharma, scrap shipbreaking (asbestos / heavy / metal electronic components ) etc, and thus we will share all that wealth, but sure yours too.

    Please never think that the reality is denied, everything comes and the damage already done.
    It is posible to be worse but now with the actual situation all of us going to live a little more equal depriving us of many things that will be contaminated, but the important thing is all of Heartland Institute (Lobby) acting under the patronage of Exxon Mobile or Charles Cock Foundation, or their president some years ago before won money from the dead of other people, to train to defend the tobacco companies indicating that the snuff was not harmful to health!!!! .

    As I said to you , I´m have no bother to disqualify , the most of the world knows who are you perfectly.

    • Long winded moron alert.

    • Jason Calley says:

      I have spent years looking at the CAGW theory and come firmly to the conclusion that CO2 driven climate catastrophe is a complete myth; worse actually, it is a complete fraud. As a confirmed sceptic, I am always pleased when someone like Daniel Rivet presents the CAGW side of the discussion. His comments give a very clear distinction between warmist arguments and sceptical arguments. I would urge any fence sitters to read his comment and then compare it to the information presented by Tony Heller or any of the other regular posters here.

      • Glacierman says:

        Sorry, I don’t speak jibberish.

        • Jason Calley says:

          You don’t and I don’t, but consider this single sentence:

          “DACA is the most populated city in the world now and only 45% of buidings have drains and all the treets full of garbage and organic waste that ends up in the ocean across the river and thence in the fish we eat, polluting the waters evaporated, rain down on us, watering our plants and food, drink us and the animals that feed us and in a short time as well as be further contaminated due to low over the sea off the coast of Bangladesh, these cities will be flooded around 1.5 meters and with them waste industries sent there from the first world way offshore to reduce costs and save us the trouble of unions and comply with aspects such as occupational risk prevention of occupational hazards so the expected flood of around 1.5 meters under water stop polluting the oceans of waste from industries such as textile, chemical, pharma, scrap shipbreaking (asbestos / heavy / metal electronic components ) etc, and thus we will share all that wealth, but sure yours too. ”

          It has an eerie sort of music to it, sort of like a crazy, drunken Uncle trying to recite some forgotten grade school poetry at a Thanksgiving dinner.

        • Neal S says:

          The King James Bible has long sentences in it, but those actually make sense. The sentence you quoted from Rivet, is far beyond any reason.

        • Jason Calley says:

          Hey Neal S! ” The sentence you quoted from Rivet, is far beyond any reason.”

          That is exactly why it is such a great example of pro-CAGW comments. 🙂

      • Glacierman says:

        He thinks sea ice is “pieces of the icebergs from the Artic continent glaciers which were melting and them goes together over the Admunsen´s Sea”

        Can’t stop laughing…..

      • AndyG55 says:

        “I would urge any fence sitters to read his comment”

        How ?

    • AndyG55 says:

      What language is that written in ?

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