Republican Leaders Leading The Fight To Fund Obamacare

Two weeks ago Republicans were leading the fight to start war with Syria, and now they are leading the fight to wreck America’s health care system

“Right now in the Senate, Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn are actively whipping Senators to shut down debate on the House continuing resolution so that Harry Reid can gut it with just 51 votes,” a senior congressional staffer with intimate knowledge of the situation said in an email to Breitbart News. “Unbelievably, they actually are leading the fight to fully fund Obamacare.”

Exclusive–Source: McConnell, Cornyn Whipping Votes Against Ted Cruz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Republican Leaders Leading The Fight To Fund Obamacare

  1. As I have commented numerous times, on various sites: Obamacare is a rich man’s law, but a poor man’s tyranny. The rich man’s money protects him; the poor man’s lack of money threatens him. Obamacare does not “provide”, it requires (and fines non-participation); and it requires commitment to a blood-sucking insurance industry–Obamacare is the new mafia boss, demanding his (the government’s) cut.

    The rich don’t get it, Democrats and Republicans alike.

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