Scientific American Says Boulder Is “Drought-Stricken”

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Major Flooding Inundates Drought-Stricken Colorado Cities

Major Flooding Inundates Drought-Stricken Colorado Cities | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

Boulder had their snowiest and one of their coldest springs on record

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Boulder’s wintry spring breaking all kinds of records Five feet of snow fell between early April and early May

Now we have to worry about avalanches, as well as spring flooding from a rapid runoff. Six experienced snowboarders were trapped in an avalanche on Loveland Pass on April 20. All the victims had avalanche beacons, but there was only one survivor.

Boulder’s wintry spring breaking all kinds of records – Boulder Daily Camera

This is what the emerald green drought in Boulder County currently looks like

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The Denver Post

Most of my kid’s soccer practices and several games were cancelled this spring due to endless cold and snow, which lasted for the entire spring season.

Scientific American should be banned using either of the words in their name. You just can’t make up stupid and dishonest like the climate alarmist community.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Scientific American Says Boulder Is “Drought-Stricken”

  1. SandyInLimousin says:

    this must have been the “wrong type of snow” well known in the UK.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Yes, Boulder is usually drought stricken. The reason why is that they average less than 15″ of rain a year. God knows how much rain they have had this year.

  3. Robertv says:

    I never understand why they always talk about natural disasters. For nature this is no disaster.It’s stupid people that think they control nature.I suppose that during the last 10,000 years flood water always took this road..So we talk about a man made disaster and not a natural disaster. Stupid people build on the wrong place.

  4. Where is all the drought stricken dead vegetation I should be seeing?

  5. How are you reservoirs doing? Must be at a much higher level than usual at this time of year.

  6. Jason Calley says:

    I stopped subscribing to Scientific American many years ago, just like most other thinking individuals did.

  7. rw says:

    Major Flooding Inundates Drought-Stricken Colorado Cities

    Talk about trying to have your cake and eat it! Or is this just an attempt to get as many disasters into one headline as possible even if they contradict each other?

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