Scientific American Thinks The Arctic Goes Dark On September 16

By David Biello

On Sunday, September 16, the sun did not rise above the horizon in the Arctic.

Did this guy actually graduate from elementary school?

All told, since 1979, the Arctic sea ice minimum extent has shrunk by more than 50 percent—and even greater amounts of ice have been lost in the corresponding thinning of the ice, according to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

What Will Ice-Free Arctic Summers Bring?: Scientific American

20% is the new 50%.

ScreenHunter_920 Sep. 24 23.22

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Scientific American Thinks The Arctic Goes Dark On September 16

  1. Scientific American is to science what chewing gum is to gourmet cooking.

  2. jack b :-) says:

    Answer: more ice. Then less ice. Then more, less – repeated many, many times – and at least in one point back in time probably no ice, and possibly in the future – all ice. The mind reels; the earth reals. And it couldn’t care less what humans think or do. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

    So pass the twinkies. And where’s my r-12?

  3. Eliza says:

    Big Story here for you only
    As the United Nations prepares to release its latest report on “climate change,” leaked documents obtained recently by the Associated Press show the Obama administration and other governments are pressuring the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cover up the fact that “global warming” essentially has been stopped for the last 16 years. The explosive revelations, already being described as “ClimateGate II” in the press, come amid a coordinated bid to revive the failing effort to adopt an international carbon regime in the coming years. fron neew american

  4. william dugan says:

    Come on this poor Scientific American is thick and stupid probably brought a sheltered life probably still being breast feed lol but some time Steven most of the brain washing about the fake global warming scam will sink these money grabbing lying morons go down hard we all no nature always has the last say and goes around comes around still I love to see that day Steve

  5. Betapug says:

    Biello’s 1997 start as Asst. Story Editor at Disney Animation equipped him well to imagine an Arctic ocean with “drunken” trees (once solidly rooted in permafrost apparently(!), “slipping into the sea”. You can do absolutely anything with animation.
    A B.A. in English is apparently also enough to land you “U.S. Editor of Environmental Finance Magazine”, another field of dreams, it seems.
    A part time Master of Science in Journalism(!) , then on to the Big TIme and “The End of the World as we Know it”. No science necessary.

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