Sept 2012 : Biden Accused Romney Of Wanting To Start A War In Syria

Sept. 2, 2012, YORK, Pa. (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that Republican rival Mitt Romney is “ready to go to war in Syria and Iran” while hurting the middle class.

FLASHBACK: Biden accused Romney of wanting war with Syria | The Daily Caller

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Sept 2012 : Biden Accused Romney Of Wanting To Start A War In Syria

  1. phodges says:

    Wow you figured out that politicians lie to get elected.

    Of course Joe “I am a Zionist….You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist” Biden is “ready to go to war in Syria and Iran”

    All of these guys are owned by the banksters and MIC.

    It is the idiocracy that keeps believing the liers over, and over, and over.

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