Setting The Moron Trap

I’m re-posting this graph, this time showing the entire 1895-2013 data series, in hopes that the usual group of morons will come and fall into their own trap.

ScreenHunter_90 Sep. 02 12.56

Pre-1930 years are under-counted because of fewer stations.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Setting The Moron Trap

  1. Joseph says:

    I’ll play the Devil’s advocate here: this graph shows temperatures for the US, not global temperatures.

    • US temperatures are driven by ENSO – just like the rest of the Earth. If you compare satellite US temperatures vs. satellite global temperatures, there isn’t much difference.

      People who claim that the US moves independently of the rest of the planet are ridiculous.

    • How many other countries around the world had reliable temperature records 80 years ago (or even do now for that matter).

      For instance, in the whole of Africa, there is one, yes just one rural station with continuous records back to 1941.

      That is Calvinia in S Africa, and it shows no warming.

      How many other stations in use are affected by UHI, or just poor quality control?

      Forget about global temperatures in the 1930’s. We simply don’t know what they were.

      • X says:

        You have a great point here Paul, e.g., look at this post of Steve
        and the many reports of strongly receding Arctic icecap during the (supposedly) *coldest* periods of the last 200 years.
        The comparison of temperatures now with any period before the satellite era is to a large extent pure speculation, we just don’t have enough data to do it.
        In my mind it’s starting to be clearer that the 1930’s up to the end of WWII may have been as warm as recently, at least in the US.

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    Cherry pick the data. See if I care 🙂

  3. Larry Fields says:

    stevengoddard says:
    September 2, 2013 at 7:03 pm
    “US temperatures are driven by ENSO – just like the rest of the Earth. If you compare satellite US temperatures vs. satellite global temperatures, there isn’t much difference.”

    That may be true. However for medium-term climate episodes, like the MWP, one lingering question is this: Are all of the Earths continents in phase? Or can one continent lag 100 years behind another continent in entering or exiting a given climate episode?

    An even bigger question: What about the N Hemisphere vs the S Hemisphere?

    • X says:

      “See-saw”, the hemispheres tend to go in opposite directions, like it has happened in the last 3 decades, etc., except for large oscillations like the onset of glacial and interglacial periods.
      Possibly the LIA was large enough to “carry” both hemispheres simultaneously, I believe we’re about to see something similar the near future, if we’re really entering another Maunder minimum.
      I believe it’s fair to say that right now both polar regions are cooling simultaneously…

  4. Argiris Diamantis says:

    Dear mister Goddard, while fraudsters and idiots are still laiming that the world is warming, in reality it is cooling and it is cooling fast. We are slowly heading for a new Little Ice Age (and may-be even for a big one). In many parts of Peru the state of emergency had been declared because of heavy snowfall (up tot 5 feet) and extreme low night temperatures, reaching minus 20 degrees Celsius.
    Villages are isolated, people are sick and dying of the cold, thousands of livestock animals have already died of the cold. In most of the Main Stream Media there this news is not even being mentioned. I would appreciate very much if you paid some attention to the present terrible cold in South America. Here is a video, showing what i mean:

    • X says:

      I believe that if the NH has another cold winter the colder conditions in the SH will remain up to the end of the year as I believe it happened in 2010.
      The recovery/extent of the Arctic icecap should be the “world thermometer” in the coming years. The greater the extent, the colder the entire world will be.

  5. Chewer says:

    Can’t wait for an updated graph this time next year-:)
    The mentally twisted warmsters see the collapse of their bullshit science right now and the coming year will bring some spectacular pronounced psychotic actions which everyone needs to shine a bright light on.
    A powerful dose of daily ridicule is just as good as large crowds with torches & pitchforks…

  6. Hello Stevengoddard,
    I know what you mean, My family and I drive through Ohio on their highways all the time. Those morons have speed traps down to a science. They wouldn’t even let Lebron off of a speeding ticket. I’m not surprised, Ohio State Patrol thinks they are the special forces of highway patrol.

    Maybe this will convince him to finally ditch Cleveland.

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