Shock News : It Actually Has Nothing To Do With CO2 Or Climate

ScreenHunter_623 Sep. 16 09.41

Twitter / RogerPielkeJr: The self-appointed “Earth League” …

Just the same old group of commies hiding in a different disguise.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Shock News : It Actually Has Nothing To Do With CO2 Or Climate

  1. Mike Mangan says:

    What? No post yet on the workplace violence at the Washington Navy Yard? Say, when all of the authorities are chasing down two shooters a mile and a half from the White House, does that mean it’s easier to make mischief somewhere else?

  2. gofer says:

    “Regardless of the sometimes made (erroneous) claim that global warming has already stopped, evidence is that once well-known impacts from El Niño, volcanic aerosols and solar variability are removed from the observations, the warming trend of the ocean-atmosphere system is unbroken; and that it will continue (potentially towards 4°C) unless serious mitigation action is taken. That global warming continues unabated over the last decade is confirmed by ocean measurements. Ninety percent of the additional heat that the Earth system absorbs due to the increase in greenhouse gases is stored in the oceans, and the global array of thousands of scientific measurement robots in the oceans proves that they keep heating up at a steady pace. Meanwhile satellites show that sea levels also keep rising steadily.”

    What they seem to be saying is, if you take away all the things that cause cooling then you have warming but it’s hiding in the ocean. Only 10% of GHG warming appears in the atmosphere. Note the use of “additional” heat. This is nothing but “grant grease.”

    They also talk a lot about the 2 degree ceiling that nobody knows where it came from, according to Phil Jones, it was pulled out of thin air. On this, they build their doom. Looking at the group picture of the Earth League at the bottom of the article, they are just a bunch of “old white men” and a woman that alarmists seem to think are deniers.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    “Just the same old group of commies hiding in a different disguise”.
    Supported by the media:

  4. rw says:

    They’re like the Nazgul. They’ll never stop pushing this.

  5. Phil Jones says:

    What’s the big deal here?? 224 were shot up in Chicago just this past August… 20+ over Labor Day .. Wow !! What a Party in Chicago… Why no coverage of all Obama’s sons tearing it up on the streets of Chicago … Yet a mere 13 in DC makes national news??

    This isn’t fair.

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