Shock News : Obama Lied About Climate Polls And Gun Polls

We thought that global warming was an undisputed fact. After all, every single person at NASA and 97 percent of other scientists believe it’s true: #ScienceSaysSo, remember? Then again, the same people who sent out that tweet also insisted that expanded gun control measures had the full support of 92 percent of the population, and yet voters turned out in force in Colorado this week to recall the politicians who pushed those measures through.

Kevin Sorbo: ‘How’s that global warming thing going?’ | Twitchy

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Shock News : Obama Lied About Climate Polls And Gun Polls

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Obama and the US Government! “We are here to help”!

  2. Bruce says:

    Regarding CAGW it looks like Hercules and Xena aren’t quite on the same channel.

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