Shock News : Rowers Lied About Arctic Conditions

When I first discussed the rowers, I predicted that they would massively fail and then lie about what they encountered. And that is exactly what happened.

Modern day explorers traverse the Arctic for climate change | Watch GlobalNews Videos

They saw zero evidence of climate change, and the NW Passage was blocked with ice at both ends.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Shock News : Rowers Lied About Arctic Conditions

  1. squid2112 says:

    Ugh, I can’t believe I just forced myself to watch that. What a bunch of CRAP! … Liars! Blatant Flagrant Liars!

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    The canary in the coal mine has spoken this summer, coldest summer since records have started in 1958. The last 3 of 5 summers have been the coldest on record since 1958
    I think the guy should do their own research instead of watching TV for news about Arctic temps.

  3. miked1947 says:

    The French Canadians look to have the best chance of completing the journey in their Kayak.

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    it is all about monetizing their failure, white washing their piss poor planning -how can anyone be surprised about the Arctic being windy!

    Doesn’t matter to them . . . they are morally superior beings who can do whatever it takes to support their religious beliefs.

  5. Ben says:

    Hat tip to Fred from Canuckistan

  6. Colorado Wellington says:

    As predicted. It doesn’t matter they failed. Their cheerleaders in the media will make it a success.

  7. Colorado Wellington says:

    Next Last First Row for Climate Change:

    Driven by their media success the Arctic Rowers announced they will build a custom submarine and row it under the ice to triumphantly emerge from the Hole near the Pole in August 2014.

  8. stewart pid says:

    The record cold summer temps, as documented by DMI, don’t merit a mention in this POS bit of propaganda!

  9. jack b :-) says:

    Public schools in Canada must teach the same ‘everybody gets a medal’ garbage that we get down here in the ussa. Figgers…

  10. Ben says:

    Rowers lied, anchors died.

  11. Lawrence13 says:

    It seems when you are dealing with ideology such as AGW then the truth is totally ignored if it doesn’t fit the plot. These four liars are a perfect example they failed miserably to complete the NW passage due to ice , diverse weather and wind -all those things that make it’s almost impossible to traverse the route. If these four had any integrity they would own up to the weather being far worse than they had imagined. They knew what was coming a strong chance of being entombed in sea ice so they pulled out early and have tried to blame it on the wind. We can all forgive idiotic ventures but to pull out to save further embarrassment and then claim victory in highlighting *all those changes in the Arctic* that seemingly still didn’t make it possible to get through.

    Idiots, but far worse blatant deceitful liars.

  12. Aborted because time & daylight was running short. Daylight? Is that even an accurate statement?

    Luv it how they were pinned to the shore by some slush. Is that the best ‘progress-impending’ video piece they could show us, or was all the rest of it actually ice they did not record, perhaps because it stretched to the horizon?

  13. Jason Calley says:

    Disappointing. Very disappointing. I had hoped that they were simply three fools who had a desire for adventure but who had failed to do their homework. Instead they are three liars who will not admit what happened.

    Very disappointing.

  14. QV says:

    I can’t wait for the documentary!

  15. rw says:

    I’m looking forward to the time when there’s an entry for GWDS (Global Warming Derangement Syndrome) in the DSM.

  16. mike says:

    The Mainstream Yank Team, pulling each other for climate change, are an embarassment.

    But in the world of green you get a bronze medal for saying you will enter a race, a silver medal for turning up and a gold medal for starting the race. So in the unequal world of greenfleecing they are seen as Olympians for making it one tenth of the way.

  17. Gamecock says:

    “Modern day explorers traverse the Arctic for climate change ”

    Wait . . . what? I thought they were AGAINST climate change.

    Doesn’t really matter. Wading across the arctic doesn’t DO ANYTHING for or against climate change. It’s just a wade across the arctic.

  18. Jimbo says:

    Where is Reggie?

  19. klem says:

    It is no surprise that the report came from BC, that place is full of greenies. Their Premiere introduced a carbon tax a few years ago and told them that the rest of North America would follow suit, and the public fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. Lol!

    They’re making a documentary about a total failure? Only the starry eyed greenies would want to see that.

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