Shocking Scientific Discovery Made This Week

Many people learned this week that flood plains flood.

They might have learned this in school, except that their teachers were too busy teaching them about the dangers of CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Shocking Scientific Discovery Made This Week

  1. jack b :-) says:

    Sad thing is, that here in Texas, any playa lake or temporary water holding piece of land, which can be crossed in a floated vessel, is labeled ‘navigable waters;’ hence, almost nothing can be done with the land, even if privately owned. This seems to be primarely enforced by state and fed gummint-types for water fowl to use in the rainy season. And secondarily for lizards to bathe.

    Looks like y’all have a lot of that to look forward to in the future.

  2. In my day there were warning me about peak oil. I had to sit through documentaries on how the world’s oil supplies would be exhausted by the year 2000. This inspired my friend and I to buy old V8’s which we drove around for many years.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Check out the pictures of Colorado houses in this Aussie news report.
    Who thought building them within a few metres of the river bed was a smart idea?
    With boulders the size of small cars coming down the flooded river, nothing is gonna survive a decent rain and flash flood. Just like Grantham in Queenland two years ago.

  4. Tel says:

    If you search for pictures of a “Queenslander House” you will find a house up one posts, either heavy wood frame posts (older style) or thinner steel structure (newer). This construction of house was standard in Queensland for more than 100 years, for the simple reason that floods are known to happen. In particular, the Brisbane River has always flooded.

    Then one day, a government came along and built a dam, and told people to stop worrying about floods. They told people to build their house on a concrete slab, rather than up high like they always used to do. Floods won’t happen any more, we have a dam now.

    Then the climate scientists said, “Rain is a thing of the past, you better keep that dam full of water, because yer gonna need it!”

    Needless to say, the inevidable happened, it did rain hard, the dam emptied over and the concrete slab did not hold the water out. A lot of the people who think governments are here to help, were surprised by this.

    • Greg Locke says:

      A similar problem occurred in parts of New Orleans. After WWII, the government told people they could build slab on grade housing in areas of the city that had previously been swamps. We’ve built levees, they said. They will protect you, they said. Well, actually, no. Even today they are building slab on grade in areas below sea level. Nature will destroy those houses again. Hubris.

  5. Another Ian says:


    O/T but why?

    I can’t see any of your posts before “In the midst of the media hysteria” ? Nor any link to prior posts.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Providing building permits in flood planes is like clinging the AGW Hoax or the Big Bang Theory for that matter.

    One thing is for sure. Obama is wasting our precious time, our resources and our future.

  7. Hector Pascal says:

    Slight technical correction. Boulder is on an alluvial fan, not a flood plain. Alluvial fans flood and get incised. That’s what they do. The boulders are alluvium.

    • Longmont is on a flood plain, as are most of the other places which flooded this week.

      • Hector Pascal says:

        Correction noted. It’s still an alluvial fan, though, piedmont and that.

      • Hector Pascal says:

        Not trying to be argumentative here Steve. It’s an alluvial fan. Fans include some characteristics of river systems, so flood plains are going to be there too. My point is that alluvial fans work like this.

        Alluvium (haha boulders) builds up in the catchment until you get a rain event which crosses the stability threshold. Then it all comes barrelling out of the mountains in a lump. You typically get severe erosion/incision in some parts of the system, (ususally upper) and deposition of new sediment lobes elsewhere (usually lower). That’s how fans work. It’s a bit like the sun rising in the east and gravity pointing downwards.

        You’re there and I’m not, so I’ll quit generalising.

    • Robertv says:

      An alluvial fan is on top of the flood plain.

  8. Don B says:

    “The Rocky Mountains have long been prone to flash floods. Native Americans warned Boulder’s founders of flooding, according to historical accounts. The U.S. Geological Survey has mapped the remnants of ancient flash floods all along the Colorado Front Range, where steep mountain canyons send debris pouring into town, along with the rocks that give Boulder its name.
    The last 100-year flood in Boulder was in 1894, so the city was statistically overdue for another disaster. (Note that even though a 100-year flood appears on average once a century, it’s possible for two 100-year events to hit in back-to-back years; the term actually refers to the 1 percent chance of the event happening in any given year.)”

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