Six Month Anniversary Of The Washington Post Blaming White Men

ScreenHunter_628 Sep. 16 10.54

ScreenHunter_627 Sep. 16 10.49

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings

If Americans ask the right questions on gun issues, we will get the right answers. These answers will encourage white men to examine their role in their own culture and to help other white men and boys become healthier and less violent.

White men have much to discuss about mass shootings – Washington Post

OK, let’s ask the right question :

Why do almost all  shootings occur in heavily Democratic voting gun-free zones?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to Six Month Anniversary Of The Washington Post Blaming White Men

  1. Latitude says:

    Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings….

    …imagine if they weren’t

  2. squid2112 says:

    Hmm, seems to me, not all that long ago, there was an “African American” man, AND, and “African American Boy” that were apprehended for, hmmm, I dunno, perhaps being snipers!

    Oh, I’m sorry, being freeway snipers is not the same as “mass shooting” …

    Give me a freaking break. African Americans …(aka: Black Americans) are responsible for a 100x the number of shootings in this country, of all types.

    • Jason Calley says:

      I presume that you mean John Allen Muhammad. Interesting character… and now comes the “do you remember this?” moment. Remember back during the time of President Bush Senior? Remember Desert Storm? Now for the hard part. Remember a fragging incident where someone threw an incendiary grenade into a tent full of men? Remember how the Army immediately arrested and held a soldier named John Williams for the attack? And do you remember how the whole fragging incident just disappeared off the radar after that? Never heard about it again? Not a trial, not a report, not anything?

      Remember how John Allen Williams later took the name John Allen Muhammad and ended up hiding in the trunk of a car in Washington shooting civilians through a hole in the trunk?

      This is another of those stories that has almost disappeared off the Internet. Even five years ago there was more about this still available. The fact that it has become so difficult to track down now is the main reason why this story bothers me.

  3. gator69 says:

    When broken down by percentage, blacks actually are worse…

    Blacks are only 12% of the population, and clearly commit more than their share of rampage killings

    • Latitude says:

      Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks
      Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a White than vice versa
      Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
      When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun

      • gator69 says:

        Before Obama took office, one could easily look up racial crime stats on the DOJ website. I printed out material and filed it away knowing that would change. The only version I have that I can post here lacks some detail, but is as follows…

        “High Numbers of Black on White Crime Here are some more shocking statistics: More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year. Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks. About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992. In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S. Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than Whites the same age. Some 90% of the victims of race crimes are Whites. Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population. On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. Some 27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims. 1.3 million of the 6.6 million violent crimes committed in the U.S. each year are interracial. Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders in the U.S., compared to 58,000 Americans killed in Vietnam and 38,000 killed in Korea. The above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan, who dug out half-concealed U.S. crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, The contents of his article, he commented, could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.”

        Until we can have an honest discussion without being called names, this social/cultural issue will go unresolved. Math is not racist, and neither am I.

        • DEEBEE says:

          Your racist slip is showing, hiding behind numbers. Similar statements can be made, if you bifurcate on gender. And that will not be subject to covariance with poverty, education and other factor that impact your color dived anal-sis

        • gator69 says:

          Obviously DEBEE doesn’t do math.

          “Math is hard!” 😆

          DEBEE, I love people of EVERY color. You have absolutely no clue who I am,or what my motivations may be. YOU, on the other hand, have shown your hand, and it stinks of racism.

          Grow up, and out you ignorant racist.

        • Jason Calley says:

          DEEBEE, you say “Similar statements can be made, if you bifurcate on gender.”

          Your sexist slip is showing, hiding behind your numbers. I see no reason to give an obvious sexist the authority to judge whether gator69 is racist.


        • gator69 says:

          Racism is mainly defined as seeing one race as superior to another or others. When anyone says that one race is above being criticized, they are racist. All races should be held to the same standards, and this is why statistics cannot be racist.

          Leftists love shouting down truths that they find inconvenient for their agenda, hence the ‘denier’ and ‘racist’ monikers for anyone who throws water to the witch.

          I’m not sure you can call DEEBEE sexist, as she is correct about statistics regarding males and violent crime, but it does make her a hypocrite, as well as a racist.

  4. DGP says:

    We have mass shootings in New Orleans nearly every week. Most are by AA’s.

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Guess they haven’t been following the daily results of Chicago shooting range that the Dumbocrats enabled.

  6. NotAGolfer says:

    It should also be pointed out that almost all white men do NOT commit mass shootings. Liberals can’t think outside of their “group identity” paradigm. The concept of the individual has take off these last several hundred years, for great good, but liberals still resist. The “conservative” and “liberal” labels are truly misnomers.

  7. rw says:

    Well, as a matter of fact AA men and boys are committing acts of serious violence month after month, including random murders, which are going up in frequency – and there is almost nothing about this in the mainstream media. (See Colin Flaherty’s “White Girl Bleed a Lot” as well as subsequent Web postings that he’s made.)

    Whew! There’s one thing that creatures of this sort can do reliably – and that is to take a normal person’s breath away with their mind-warping stupidity.

  8. Kaboom says:

    How many people in Chicago were killed by blacks folks this year, how many by white ones?

  9. squid2112 says:

    OOoops, hmmm, seems that the D.C. Navy killer was, well, how do I say it? ..BLACK

    Yes, that is correct. Texas man, Aaron Alexis is being reported as being one of the gunman in today’s shooting. He was killed on the scene. He is in fact, a black man.

    God I wish people would shut the F up about race already. Everything is race. race this, race that, you racist SOB .. etc.. etc.. It is getting soooooo old.

    Look, bad people do bad shit. It is as simple as that.

    • Yes, but he had skittles so was probably framed.

    • DEEBEE says:

      Don’t fret, these sorts of posts allow the closet KKK practitioners to pontificate without seeming to be racist, because they are Oh so factual

      • gator69 says:

        Another personal attack from the ignorant racist. Don’t let facts get in the way of your agenda DEBEE. I am descended from slaves in Florida, and we were doing fine until the DEBEE’s of this world decided it was OK for us to behave poorly.

        You have much to learn and much for which to ask forgiveness.

        God help you.

  10. gator69 says:

    One shooter identified as “Aaron Alexis”, deceased black male. The other shooter being sought is described as a black male 40-50 years old.

  11. GoneWithTheWind says:

    In the U.S. about 80% of homicides are committed by blacks even though blacks only make up 14% of the population. About 14% of homicides are committed by Hispanics who also make up about 14% of the population. About 6% of all homicides are committed by whites who make up about 70% of the population.
    There is a certain oddity about the way “mass shootings” are defined. If you are a black teenager in Chicago and you drive by the hood and shoot a few people it is NOT a mass murder it is a gang related shooting. I don’t know that this was some intentional thing to make the stats look better but it makes no sense and it distorts the perception, obviously .

    • DEEBEE says:

      How much of that variation is explained by facts other than color? All this obsession with color is difficult to discern from an obsession with CO2

      • gator69 says:

        What was the state of the black family before leftists stepped in? It was the religious right, my family, that marched for equal rights. Rates of single parent households and crime have skyrocketed since the DEBBEE’s and Sharpton’s took over the megaphone. And their only defense is to shout down statistics with claims of racism.

        Dr King is spinning in his grave as he watches his children discard the value of character.

        I am not the problem, I only ask for honest discussion.

      • Jason Calley says:

        DEEBEE, the object of this posting is an article by the Washington Post claiming that race and gender are primary factors in violent behavior. Have you contacted the two ladies who wrote the WP article? Have you bothered to inform them that they are racist and sexist? If not, why not? This is not rhetorical; seriously, have you told THEM that they are racist and sexist? If your answer is “no” what does that tell us about you belief system?

  12. What’s worse than an ugly woman?

    Two ugly women.

  13. gator69 says:

    Only in this messed up world can those of us who value facts, math and statistics be labeled deniers and racists. Should we sue the History Channel for their portrayal of Vikings, or the Surgeons General for discriminating against smokers?

    Or should we all grow up and accept facts for what they are, and do our best to have honest discussions, in order to make this world a better place for everyone?


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