Someone Remind Me Again

Obama has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition for use by DHS inside the US.

Someone remind me again why you need 1.6 billion rounds of ammo to stop 19 guys armed with box cutters, one guy armed with a couple of pistols at Ford Hood, or two guys armed with pressure cookers in Boston.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Someone Remind Me Again

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    what about the 600,000 AK 47’s magazines the us army put up for bid and a supplier can make them. Us army does not use ak 47’s
    You posted that a month ago Steve.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    Because someone needs to rob you blind a lot of money to protect you. It’s for your own good.

    • shazaam says:


      Now off-topic for my personal education, the strikethough. Last time I tried. I miffed it and the post was trashed. I tried using “s” and “/s” (brackets instead of quotes). What is that secret code/handshake???

  3. Hugh K says:

    Reminder – April 7, 2009 — Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “declassified” report on the “Top Threats” to American security titled, Rightwing Extremism.

    “Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

    In short, most Americans qualify! 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition might not be enough to take out all of this Administrations perceived “Top Threats to American security” (i.e. – US citizens they took an oath to protect).

    • gator69 says:

      Only ‘rightwing’ groups can be ‘hate oriented’? Really?

      • Hugh K says:

        Not my opinion Gator – According to the Anti-clinger-in-chief, only right-wingers are terrorists. Muslims are not terrorists — just prone to more “work-place violence.”
        We on the same page now?

        • gator69 says:

          Same page, same thread, I was merely commenting on the stupity of the DHS quote. Most hate crimes are actually committed by leftists. DHS is spreading false propaganda.

    • ralphcramdo says:

      ( — The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that one of its employees — who reportedly has responsibility for buying weapons and ammunition for the government — also runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war. Since the initial news stories last week, DHS has put the employee on paid administrative leave.

      Fox News reported last week that Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement operates the website named “War on the Horizon.” It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.

      Kimathi reportedly got the go-ahead from the government to create and maintain his website. As a law-enforcement-agency employee, he is required to get permission in writing if he engages in outside activities, which includes everything from working a second job to volunteering.

      Apparently, Kimathi obtained official permission to run the website, but did it by misrepresenting the true nature of his site. He told DHS management that it was an entertainment website selling videos of concerts and lectures.

      ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said in a written statement that the agency “does not condone any type of hateful rhetoric or advocacy of violence of any kind against anyone.” Christensen denied that Kimathi had responsibility for buying ammunition.

  4. slimething says:

    This was the shovel ready jobs Obama talked about.

  5. Okie says:

    They will probably hand out bullets to food stamp recipients so they can defend themselves against the “crackers”.

  6. Ian says:

    The benefits of bulk buying? Really, just a concern for taxpayers’ dollars at work… /sarc

  7. JJ says:

    Um, the DHS is not buying 1.6B rounds. They’re only scheduled to buy ~100M per year, which is what they use in training.

    • EW3 says:

      Why buy expensive hollow points rather then regular rounds? Hollow points are not meant for training. Hollow points are used for killing and maiming,
      Hollow points can’t even be used in combat because they outlawed by the Geneva Convention. What does our civilian government need them for.

  8. Jeffk says:

    Security mindedness requires consideration of all contingencies. One may be the total failure of the political system and its relationship with the voters who were bought with other people’s money. Inevitably the other people will catch on and revolt. So then the voters will, too.

  9. higley7 says:

    The 19 guys, one guy,and two guys are his friends. The 1.6 billion bullets are to fight the 300,000,000 people out there masquerading as citizens, but he considers them the enemy.

  10. Perry says:

    JJ says:
    September 2, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    Not what others write.

    How come the DHS uses 100 million rounds in practice when “At the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America!”

    Work out how many years 1.6 billion rounds will last at 100 million per year, but the clincher that these are to be used against Americans when the US economy collapses, is the provision of 2,700 MRAPs.

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