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- conrad ziefle on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- Robertvd on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- dm on Fraudster Fighting Climate Misinformation
- gordon vigurs on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- Bob G on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- Bob G on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- conrad ziefle on ‘malice toward the planet’
- Gamecock on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
- gordon vigurs on ‘malice toward the planet’
- Stewartpid on 1970 – The Beginning Of Time
Chemical Weapon Expert: IS Deadline Syrian Chemical Weapons contrary to international law: http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-09-19/chemical-weapons-expert-us-deadline-syrian-chemical-weapons-contrary-internat
In Syria it’s now a rebel eat rebel world: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-09-19/syria-it-now-rebel-eat-rebel-world
Al Qaida’s Wet Dream: http://capitalistexploits.at/2013/09/al-qaedas-wet-dream/
“Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.” – Ayn Rand
Just thinking….
In a world where millions of people live from a single US dollar a day, introducing a biofuel mandate that hikes food prices world wide should be regarded as a crime against humanity.
In a world where the US dollar is the trading currency, any policy set to destroy the value of the dollar should be regarded as a crime against humanity.
In a world where extreme islamists and terrorist take on any opportunity to take control over nations undermining the ruling establishment like happened in Egypt should be regarded as a crime of against humanity.
Delivering arms and support to extreme islamists and terrorists should be regarded as an act of treason
In a Nation which economy depends on affordable fuel any policy that hikes fuel prices should be considered an act of treason.
Making a frontal attack on the coal industry based of manufactured scientific facts, undermining the energy security of the nation, hiking energy prices and undermining the economy, should be considered as an act of treason
Participating in a world wide conspiracy based on manufactured scientific facts, funding fraud and corruption, changing the laws of the land based on manufactured facts is a criminal act and as far reaching social, economic and strategic consequences concerned is considered an act of treason against the People and the Constitution.
Revealing the names and locations of military staff or intel staff involved in covert operations in hostile environments should be regarded as an act of treason.
The moment the involved military staff is killed because of this act of treason this should be regarded as an act of man slaughter, a criminal offense.
When a US official and military staff operating abroad in a hostile environment request armed support which is refused this should be regarded as an act of treason.
I think we need a good lawyer.
Burning food for fuel is in the same category of arrogance as lighting cigars with 100 dollar bills.
Gentlemen: Amen. It is a sinful hing to use good farmland to grow corn for fuel or HFCS.
Correction —
…… sinful “thing”…….
I disagree. When a man burns a hundred dollar bill, he has destroyed nothing but a part of his own wealth and, ironically, a very small portion of the national debt.
Obama’s crimes against the Contitution raise issue of Impeachment: http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-s-crimes-against-the-constitution-raise-issue-of-impeachment
Coburn Obama “a friend” but his actions nearing grounds for impeachment: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/22/coburn-obama-a-friend-but-his-actions-nearing-grounds-for-impeachment/
Just wondering why nothing happens….
Because they are complicit.
On any given day, the whole system is complicit, pretending to be working properly.
Americans are the most misinformed and ignorant population on the planet.
Yes, the middle eastern jihadis are soooo much better informed. 😉
Overgeneralize much. 😆
LOL I figured you guys would know what I mean 😉
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