South Park Gets It Right Again

South Park has done a few shows portraying wholesome Disney child stars as being exploited to promote promiscuous pre-pubescent  sex. Looks like they got right.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to South Park Gets It Right Again

  1. SMS says:

    My guess is that Miley is being told by her handlers that if she doesn’t do a bump and grind she’s going to be just another has-been child star. And I think Miley would do anything to stay in the spot light. The Bonaduce effect.

  2. omnologos says:

    is it time for the drugs yet? or a clean-shaven head.

  3. No, it’s Miley Cyrus, not Disney–her performance was an extended poke in the eye and raised finger to Disney “cartoon” entertainment, and yet she was playing the same game as Disney (note how cute her costume was–she almost never looks that good). Like Obama, she wants it both ways, to have her cake and eat it too (and for the same reason, I’m sure: an inner desperation).

    I thought you might be announcing that they killed Kenny (again)…

  4. slimething says:

    It used to be candy cigarettes, now it is simulated sex.
    Miley Cyrus is crying out for her dad to rescue her from certain destruction of her life.

  5. Saw her do an interview with a veteran entertainment reporter here in Australia, who queried her ‘raunchy’ recent video.

    Her near-snarling response was that she had a record to push and would do whatever it took to move units.

    Very, very unhappy person, not comfortable in her own skin judging by the image and performances. Suspect she may even be wrestling with her sexuality. Time bomb ticking.

  6. JimmySpags says:

    In order to slow the spread of Islam, semi-nude and nude women are the best weapons in our arsenal. Miley’s latest video “Wrecking Ball” is a call to arms against Jihadists.

  7. Wizzum says:

    Sex tape in 3, 2, 1….

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