Syrian Rebels Explain Their Real Goals

ScreenHunter_344 Sep. 08 05.48

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Syrian rebels post image of burning U.S. Capitol

Assad doesn’t threaten the US, but Obama’s boys do.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Syrian Rebels Explain Their Real Goals

  1. Question: Who is the greater threat to the US and the individual rights of its citizens: the Syrian head of state or our own?

    Our future depends upon our answer to this question.

  2. Jeffk says:

    Not all rebels the same.
    This is to show Iran we mean business when red lines crossed. But it doesn’t mean I think we’ll end up with the results we intended.

  3. Pathway says:

    IF we want to impress Iran we just need to bomb the piss out of them. All Reagan had to do was take the oath of office.

  4. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Hitler wrote his Mein Kampf and we didn’t believe him. The radical muslims want all the infidels forcibly converted or dead. All radical muslims want to kill us and all the moderate muslims want the radical muslims to kill us. We have been at war with Islam at least since the mid 70’s. They know it but we are in denial. I see no way out of this that does not involve massive warfare and millions and millions killed. The only question will be which group is the winner and which group gets to have millions of their group killed.

    • cdquarles says:

      It has been going on longer than that. Look up the Marine Hymn and what Jefferson had to do more than 200 years ago. Islam was heavily involved in African slavery, even selling ‘infidel Muslims’ of rival tribes.

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