Teleprompter Alert

The only rules Obama’s teleprompter is subject to, is that it has to use the word “I” at least 50 times per speech.

The original Tuesday night teleprompter programming was to tell the American people that Obama was going to bomb Syria for the sake of security and morality, and that Americans were too stupid to understand.

The teleprompter’s programming has been changed, and now it says that due to Obama’s tough stance on bombing, we have peace for our time.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Teleprompter Alert

  1. EW3 says:

    It’s quite sad that we have a President that can’t speak in public without a script because every time he goes off script he shows how ignorant he is. Yet we are supposed to believe he is so smart because the MSM says he is. Reality has truly been suspended.

  2. DGP says:

    This speech will have to be on the level of the Gettysburg Address for Obama to reclaim any of the credibility he’s lost over the Syria debacle. One reporter, I forget who, described it perfectly as an “orgy of boobery”. Of course they’ll swoon and pass out from the tingles over at MSNBC and CNN, but I don’t see Obama coming back from this.

  3. Norm says:

    We are not going to last three more years of this.

  4. tom0mason says:

    First draft of O’s speach –

    ‘Good evening, for it is truly a good evening, because as I look out across this my nation I realize that because of my great forethought, my great thought, a thought that I made known to the US Secretary of State, but not just any US Secretary of State but my hand-picked US Secretary of State, John Kerry. And because of my words I have kept the folks of this nation safe once more.
    John was talking to me on the phone and he asked me this question,
    “But Mr. President, sir, what if Russia were to get the idea to control these chemical weapons in Syria then a war wouldn’t start?”
    “John,” I said, “John we don’t need the Russians involved in averting this war. No John, I need all nations to be involved in this war.
    And that my people is how I saved the world, my nation, and our future generations, from the outrage and the embarrassment.’

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