Temperatures In England Plummeting Over The Last Decade

Over the last decade, temperatures in England have been dropping at a rate of more than 10ºC per century. Temperatures this year are almost 2ºC cooler than they were in 1779, and 1ºC cooler than the Little Ice Age year of 1666.  George Monbiot is desperate to stop all this warming.

ScreenHunter_232 Sep. 05 01.57

Monthly_HadCET_mean.txt, 1659 to date

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Temperatures In England Plummeting Over The Last Decade

  1. Edward. says:

    Average T’s down in England no way man – CO2 is way up………………….what oh wait!

  2. Dave says:

    England is the canary in the oak mine.

  3. woody188 says:

    But…the science is settled! Funny because real scientists always test theories versus climatologists that base theories on flawed computer models and throw out their raw data so they can’t be peer reviewed. It was also settled that the Earth is flat, revolved around the Sun, and bubonic plague was caused by witches. Question everything!

  4. Andy DC says:

    Not exactly a hockey stick!

  5. F. Guimaraes says:

    “Over the last decade, temperatures in England have been dropping at a rate of more than 10ºC per century. Temperatures this year are almost 2ºC cooler than they were in 1779, and 1ºC cooler than the Little Ice Age year of 1666….”
    This is intriguing, it can’t possibly be just a local trend because England is not large enough to keep a trend strong like this for an entire decade.
    Then, what is happening? Is this observed in other parts of Europe too?

  6. Peter McCabe says:

    Remember when the global warming scientists said this could happen. No, neither do i.

  7. BlubberJam says:

    As much as I love “sticking it” to the climatologists, has anyone considered that the Jet stream over the UK has shifted south? I don’t know if that’s still the case – but the temperature would suggest we’re getting temperatures more associated with Britain’s latitude. So a little more research might not go a miss. But hey, ice build-up in the antarctic is at record levels. Damn that global warming, err, climate change…

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