Tennessee Summers Have Cooled Dramatically Since The 1920s

The number of 90ºF readings in Tennessee has dropped dramatically since the 1920s. This past summer was one of the coolest on record.

ScreenHunter_466 Sep. 11 22.21

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

CLARKSVILLE WWTP                   
COVINGTON 3 SW                     
DOVER 1 W                          
JACKSON EXP STN                    
LEWISBURG EXP STN                  
MC MINNVILLE                       
MURFREESBORO 5 N                   
NEWPORT 1 NW                       
ROGERSVILLE 1 NE                   
UNION CITY                         

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Tennessee Summers Have Cooled Dramatically Since The 1920s

  1. goldminor says:

    Look at 1998. On global records 1998 is the hottest spike on the chart. Yet, that does not show in their region? or area?. Is this due to their distance from the Pacific and it,s influences?

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