Terrifying Imagery Of Sea Level Rise In La Porte, Colorado

ScreenHunter_529 Sep. 13 10.12

Looking for Starfish on the famous La Porte tidal flats.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Terrifying Imagery Of Sea Level Rise In La Porte, Colorado

  1. stewart pid says:

    GLO-BULL warming is finally catching up with you … you … denier! How long can u tread water.

  2. Wyguy says:

    Just wait until, tropical storm/depression/low/some clouds named Ingred come ashore and heads north.

  3. Wyguy says:

    Time to trade the bicycle for a paddle boat. /sarc

  4. tom0mason says:

    You may wish to correct the BBC biblical report –

  5. Andy DC says:

    It is worse that we thought! We are all going to die!

  6. Mike Mellor says:

    Steven please post some pictures of all the blondes standing out on the street waiting for it to start raining men.

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