Terrifying Imagery Of The Permanent Colorado Drought Flood

The US Drought Monitor says we are having drought, while the Washington Post says it is the wettest year ever here.

I took this picture riding my bike this morning. The horse didn’t seem too concerned about the droughtflood.

ScreenHunter_639 Sep. 16 14.36

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Terrifying Imagery Of The Permanent Colorado Drought Flood

  1. RokShox says:

    The hippies and trust fund babies in town get to splash around in puddles, while the farmers on the plains get hammered.

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Horses are more intelligent than warm-mongers.

  3. ntesdorf says:

    Horses know what they are doing unlike Warmistas. Horses take these sort of things in their stride.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Do you think that horse will notice .12 degrees of warming per decade?

  5. jmrsudbury says:

    I was thinking that floodrought reads better. It is all about the shared d I think. — John M Reynolds

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