The 1965 Platte River Flood

About once every 20 years Colorado has rainfall and flooding more severe than the current 1000 year biblical flood. One of these events occurred in 1965 and killed 21 people.

Some of the largest rain totals were observed in the southeast potion of the state. Many of these rainfall amounts were unprecedented. The 14 hour 15.5 inch rainfall south-southeast of Lamar was about three times the 100-year 12-hour rainfall.

ScreenHunter_586 Sep. 15 07.34

Flood Summary June 14-20, 1965

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The 1965 Platte River Flood

  1. Andy DC says:

    Since these flash floods are very small scale, 1/10,000th of the planet will get a one in ten thousand year flood every year.

  2. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Dec 1964 saw massive flooding all over the West including the Front Range in Colorado. I can remember driving along the front range in August of 65 and the divided highway still had massive flood damage with one side of the highway still unrepaired.

  3. Curt says:

    Sort of like the “trial of the century” that occurs at least once per decade…

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