The Consequences Of The Australian Elections

If Tony Abbott wins, he will certainly destroy the climate of Australia. And it won’t be the first time that a white man has destroyed Australia’s climate.

The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser Wednesday 11 March 1846

ScreenHunter_297 Sep. 06 22.29


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Consequences Of The Australian Elections

  1. Aard Knox says:

    This year is the 200th anniversary of the crossing of the Blue Mountains, prior to which the entire white population of Australia was jammed into what is today the Sydney metropolitan area.
    This newspaper report is from 1846, only 33 years later. At that time only a few hundred people lived in inland Australia. There is plenty of evidence of long droughts in my country before white settlement. In fact the aboriginal population had well developed strategies for surviving them.
    The aborigines the newspaper quoted were obviously using the same computer modelling that our modern scientists use i.e. models that rely on only the last 50 years of data.

    • ozspeaksup says:

      agreed , someone was having a lend of em, narks me that natural damage etc seems alway to have been whiteys fault.
      no blackfellas burnoffs ever got outta control of course?
      we still DO have idiots that think the entire country was full of trees and all nice n lush before we came,
      fact is it wasnt., plenty of crappy poor saline and denuded soils are just plain naturally there, thanks to Ma Nature all by herself.

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    I’m reading the tweets from Oz. The lefties aren’t happy. It makes for amusing reading.

  3. Tony lear says:

    Europeans arrived during the Little Ice Age, nothing but rain, but that all changed within a decade and the dry warm years began. The Sun has now entered a minimum much like The little Ice Age and Australia being Mainly Tropical / Sub Tropical will do very well.

  4. The progressives are kicked out of government.

  5. SMS says:

    I was watching a documentary last night on Americas national parks. One interesting point was made during a section dealing with the early development of Yosemite Park (1930’s). An elderly Indian woman belonging to the tribe that was moved off the land in the 1850’s was brought back to see her native homeland. She noticed that the land was much more lush than she remembered as a girl. She commented that when the Indians lived on the land they would regularly burn off the low lying grass and bush.

    Reminds me of how the Aboriginals in Australia would do the same thing. Funny how those who live the closest to the land know better how to manage it.

    Based on distance, when decisions are made in Canberra or Washington, you know they will get it wrong. I believe Tony A and the Coalition understand this better than KRudd/Obama and Labor.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    The liberals were chosen the biggest party during the last election in the Netherlands and I was delighted because the Prime Minister claimed he wanted put a hold on the useless wind energy which he regarded a favorite toy project of the Greens. However, the first contract he signed when in office was a 35 billion wind farm project.

    A similar switch could hapen in Australia so don’t keep your hopes up to much.

    This is what Drudge has to say in the headings:
    “Conservative Leader Wins Australian Election in Landslide Victory…”

    “Vows to cut taxes, reduce deficit, crack down on asylum seekers…”

    Not a word about ending the carbon tax and the climate change legislation.

    Let’s see if he keeps his word. It will be one of the first politicians in a long time if he does.

  7. Don says:

    The soon to be new PM has a plan to pay women up to $75,000 for six months maternity leave. That isn’t socialism? As George Wallace once said in regards the Democrats and Republicans in America, not a dime’s worth of difference between them.

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