The Joys Of Marxist Indoctrination

Almost thirty years ago I was living in Sedona, Arizona. A friend who worked for the State Department in DC asked me to take a cabinet minister from The Seychelles Islands, on a tour to see the Grand Canyon.

I met him at a restaurant in Sedona, and he was terribly upset by the opulence. By the time we got to the Grand Canyon, he refused to get out of the car and look over the edge.

ScreenHunter_95 Sep. 02 15.42

Seychelles tops list of most indebted nations | Business |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The Joys Of Marxist Indoctrination

  1. AndrewS says:

    “he refused to get out of the car and look over the edge”, since he didn’t see it, I guess he never knew what he was missing.

  2. Lumping private borrowings in with government borrowings makes the calculation meaningless. The Seychelles Islands is a luxury resort location typically for the super rich. If private investors have borrowed millions for new resort developments, that doesn’t mean the country is as broke as such a calculation might suggest.

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