The Three Greatest Dangers In Life

I bravely faced three great dangers this afternoon.

  1. I went to a gun show in Loveland, in a building full of guns which could have gone crazy and started shooting people at any time. Fortunately none of the guns were in a mood to massacre people today – not even the super-evil black ones with pistol grips that give Piers Morgan nightmares.
  2. Then I went for a bike ride in the foothills above the CSU football game. On my way back I encountered on a curve a jogger with an impressive pair of bouncing bazungas – who distracted me for a second and almost caused me to ride off into a ditch.
  3. And finally, I took the dogs out for a hike and was nearly eaten alive by massive swarms of mosquitoes in Pineridge Natural Area. (I actually wan’t quite so brave this time and took off running as fast as I could.)

Life was better before evil chemical pesticides caused mankind to be separated from the natural world. Just ask any greenie-tiny-weenie.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to The Three Greatest Dangers In Life

  1. Laurie from Bartlett says:

    so…they are…guns, breasts and mosquitoes..America IS in trouble!

    • But not necessarily in that order!

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        You lead an enchanted life. I actually ended up with my wheels in a ditch but instead of being distracted by bouncing bazungas I evaded the distracted driver of a German-made SUV—the vehicle of choice of Boulder liberals.
        And instead to a gun show I went to a coffee shop and saw a stupid anti-gun cartoon in Boulder Weekly.
        And to top it off, instead of being overwhelmed by massive mosquito forces and bravely running away, I was singled out on a soccer field sideline by just one and could not kill it. I drew a tie with a single mosquito!

    • Traitor In Chief says:

      Ahem….. that would be: Guns, BIG Guns, and Little Bugs.

      Steve, I see you got photos of the sewage treatment plant for another story. There should have been video for this post, even if you had to take one for the team and catapult into the Poudre, or whatever. Focus! πŸ™‚

  2. So buildings (in Loveland?), bicycles, and Natural Areas. Got it. And I was worried about politicians…I stand corrected.

  3. Andy DC says:

    At least you did not encounter any environmentalists or climate scientists. It could have been a lot worse!

  4. Pathway says:

    Only one question remains. Were they real or silicone.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    #2. Lol that it wasn’t possibly off a cliff instead of in a ditch.
    #3. I have an answer. Seriously. Permethrin embedded clothing (by the manufacturer) is extremely effective against mosquitoes and ticks, with a claimed effectiveness of 99.9% when used in conjunction with topical deet. Google “Insect Shield.”

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    Also, remember that Mosquitoes home in on you primarily by sensing your CO2 exhalations. Any increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is going decrease the homing ability of mosquitoes, a benefit to the billions of humans and animals that are victimized daily by these disease carrying deadly vermin.

  7. R. Shearer says:

    I don’t know how the totals comes to three? Wouldn’t “bazungas” count as two?

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