Thin Rotten Decayed Ice-Free Arctic Update

ScreenHunter_1104 Sep. 30 06.47

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

The long-term trend indicates that government climate science will be fact-free by the year 2015.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Thin Rotten Decayed Ice-Free Arctic Update

  1. nigelf says:

    2015? Hell, it’s fact-free now!

  2. Andy DC says:

    Alarmists are claiming this year is just a blip with respect to the overall trend. But if next year shows another significant increase, that will ring very hollow.

    • Atowermadeofcheese says:

      Alarmists are claiming this year (2008) is just a blip with respect to the overall trend. But if next year (2009) shows another significant increase, that will ring very hollow. Déjà vu.

  3. stewart pid says:

    Note how the new school “warmth” has the arctic ice increasing at one of the fastest rates on the graph ( for recent years ) …. of course it is only rotten, decayed, thin, slushy ice which will all quickly melt away in the coming gore-pocalypse.

  4. gregole says:

    Hasn’t the Arctic ice supposed to have melted away quite suddenly by now?

    Oh. 2013. Ice still there. Hmm.

    Jonathan Amos – waddaya say sport? Feeling silly yet? You ought to be. Science writer. Right.

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