Three Quarters Of Oklahoma’s All-Time Record Maximums Were Set In 1936

In 2011, NOAA made numerous false claims about record heat in Oklahoma. The summers of 1936 and 1934 were hotter, and the trend is down since the 1930s.

There are thirty-three Oklahoma HCN stations which have been continuously active since 1930. Only one set their all-time record maximum temperature in 2011, compared to twenty-four in 1936.

ScreenHunter_301 Sep. 07 08.33

Oklahoma summer maximum temperatures are down two degrees since the 1930s.

ScreenHunter_300 Sep. 07 08.32

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

 Station Number	Record Max Date
 USC00340179	1936.63
 USC00340256	1936.69
 USC00340292	1936.69
 USC00340593	1936.7
 USC00340908	1998.57
 USC00341243	2002.5
 USC00341724	1936.69
 USC00341828	1936.63
 USC00342678	1936.69
 USC00342912	1936.69
 USC00342944	1953.53
 USC00343497	1936.69
 USC00343628	2011.57
 USC00343821	1936.69
 USC00344055	1922.73
 USC00344235	1936.69
 USC00344298	1911.56
 USC00344573	1936.69
 USC00344861	1936.69
 USC00345063	1936.69
 USC00345509	1936.69
 USC00345779	1936.69
 USC00345855	1954.61
 USC00346130	1936.69
 USC00346139	1917.52
 USC00346278	1954.61
 USC00346638	1936.69
 USC00346670	1936.63
 USC00346926	1936.69
 USC00346935	1936.63
 USC00347012	1936.69
 USC00348501	1936.69
 USC00349422	1936.69

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Three Quarters Of Oklahoma’s All-Time Record Maximums Were Set In 1936

  1. Crock Hunter says:

    It’s called “Global Warming”..not “Oklahoma Warming”

    (Censored by stevengoddard so as protect his alternate reality bubble)

    • So why did NOAA try to use Oklahoma as proof of global warming?

      • Crock Hunter says:

        “In 2011, NOAA made numerous false claims about record heat in Oklahoma”

        And yet you mention (nor link) to none of their supposed claims ….Why? .. straw men are easy to knock over I suppose ..

        “So why did NOAA try to use Oklahoma as proof of global warming?”

        Why do you fear posting what NOAA actually said..? At the very least post something out of context (standard denier practice) so that we can get to what they actually did say… .

        • Why? Because I have mentioned them about two dozen times in the past.

          You show up here and start attacking people without even bothering to read the blog. What a wanker.

  2. Shazaam says:

    Methinks the jig is up.

    If the “global warming” were at all real, Oklahoma would be setting and matching high temperature records like a pair of rabbits multiplying…..

    Ain’t happening.

  3. Crock Hunter says:

    “Because I have mentioned them about two dozen times in the past.”

    Then it should have been easy for you to link to..
    ….but I can understand you not wanting to.. Likely no one challenged you on those misrepresented claims.. .

    So.. which one is it..

  4. Crock Hunter says:

    [snip. content free posts are not tolerated from you]

  5. Crock Hunter says:

    Censorship:… the right-wing extremist’s best defense against self-examination..

    • Do you look at, or understand the graphs I presented above? Anyone with an IQ over 30 should be able to understand that Oklahoma used to be much hotter.

      • Crock Hunter says:

        That’s not the point and any honest person would agree… … The average temperature of Oklahoma over that period of time says no more about Global Warming than the two digit IQs of a Tea Party bund rally says about human intelligence.. However if one gathers data from dozens of sources across several scientific disciplines the reality of AGW emerges… .. This is why the denier picks isolated incidences such as Oklahoma.. the uneducated are easily convinced with such logical fallacies and misrepresenting of data..

        Looking back at a couple of pieces concerning Oklahoma temps.. I see that a few others have also taken you to the woodshed over the misrepresenting of NOAA data and yet you still claim that the Earth is flat.. Proof that the denier’s problem is more deeply rooted than his anti-science stance.

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