Tough Pin Placement Today At Milliken, Colorado

This is currently the second toughest golf course in the world, after the Greenland Country Club.

ScreenHunter_602 Sep. 15 13.46

Photos: Colorado floods devastate Boulder, Lyons, Longmont, Front Range communities

ScreenHunter_603 Sep. 15 13.49


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Tough Pin Placement Today At Milliken, Colorado

  1. Latitude says:

    LOL….took a min for me to figure out what I was looking at!

  2. gator69 says:

    Is that Greenland on top?

  3. Anthony S says:

    Note to self: avoid the water hazard at all costs.

  4. Robertv says:

    This is what Egypt made so fertile 5000 years ago. They had so much free time and food they could build the pyramids.
    This is no natural disaster this is a gift from the Gods.Of Course in Egypt they build above the flood line.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Evidence of rising sea levels in Colorado!!
    Models say that Fossil fuel powered golf buggy’s are to blame.

  6. Judy F. says:

    My daughter was stranded in Milliken on Friday, when she was trying to get to Greeley to work. The road was closed in front of her and before she could get turned back around, the road was closed behind her. Finally, late in the afternoon, someone local directed her out of town the back way so that she could get to I-25 and get back home. Otherwise, she would have had to have stayed at the MIddle School until the waters went down. Good thing she doesn’t golf, or she might have been tempted to try her luck at that water hazard.

  7. mkelly says:

    I birdied 17 at the TPC Sawgrass. This would be doable.

  8. geologyjim says:

    I’m pretty sure this is the par-5 #5 at The Mad Russian Golf Course – – the pin is in the nasty “back-corner-left Sunday position. Cripes, it’s hard enough under dry conditions at 520+ yds!!

  9. John Edmondson says:

    That’s playable, depending on where the tee box is? It reminds me of the 17th at sawgrass, obviously a boat would be needed to reach this green!

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