Twenty-Three Consecutive Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice

Every day for the last 23 months, Antarctic sea ice area has been above normal. It is currently 13,100 Manhattans above normal. To put this in perspective, alarmists got hysterical last year about a perfectly normal glacier calving in Greenland – which was 2 Manhattans in size.

ScreenHunter_333 Sep. 07 20.02

ScreenHunter_336 Sep. 07 20.08

Greenland Glacier Sheds Two Manhattans’ Worth of Ice | Climate Central

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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38 Responses to Twenty-Three Consecutive Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice

  1. F. Guimaraes says:

    To use a word that the alarmists like so much, it’s “unprecedented” as far as recorded data go, nearly 35 years. Both poles are getting colder.

  2. norilsk says:

    It was the Great Global Warming Swindle that caused me to see the light. Now I know just how irrelevant CO2 is.

  3. matayaya says:

    To understand why the Antarctic sea ice expanded, you need to know what is happening to the Antarctic land ice and the warming ocean around the Antarctic. Land ice is moving to the continental shelf into the ocean. The warming ocean puts more humidity into the air resulting in more snow to ice over the continental shelf giving the appearance from the satellite of a larger ice mass while underneath in the water, the warmer water is reducing the thickness and mass of the shelf ice. Though counter intutitive, the satellite image showing more area of ice really disguises the fact of less ice. Climate science is complicated. Don’t just get your jollies from cherry picked information from someone with a political ax to grind.

  4. matayaya says:

    It is counter intutitive, but its true. Relative warmer water has melted the Artic sea ice while increasing the Antarctic sea ice. Quite a conundrum for you non critical thinkers. Too bad you don’t have the discipline and intellectual curiosity to try and understand it.

    • Warm water is increasing Antarctic sea ice? Did she also turn you into a newt?

    • tom0mason says:

      Critical thinking appears to be entirely missing. Along with adhering to the basic laws of physics. By what basic mechanism of science does warm water in the arctic cause more ice? There is none known to sane people.
      May I refer you to (pdf)

      • matayaya says:

        If you read more carefully, I said warm water decreases the sea ice in the Arctic while increasing the sea ice in the Antarctic. Before knee jerk disagreeing, make an effort to understand the premise of the point.

      • matayaya says:

        I tried to link the website you put up but seems they have taken the article down.

        • tom0mason says:

          I am currently rereading it on line.

        • matayaya says:

          Ok, I got it this time. It is a long technical article. Before I wade in, what are you saying it is saying? You saw that I said the Antarctic gains sea ice with warming, not the Arctic.

        • tom0mason says:

          “You saw that I said the Antarctic gains sea ice with warming, not the Arctic.” Yes I did.
          The idea of the Arctic gain ice with warming is counterintuitive. I’ll agree that the two pole tend to grow and shrink at different times but is there a study of them showing that they are synchronized in any way?

        • matayaya says:

          They are different systems, only distantly syncronized. The jet streams bounces around from over the Arctic to over the US. The Arctic is very connected to the northern latitude weather system. The Antarctic is very isolated, that is why it is 50 degrees colder there than the Arctic. It warms in the Antarctic but is still well below freezing.
          2012 was an extreme low of sea ice in the Arctic so returning more to the norm is not such a big deal in 2013. The satellite pictures from the 70s and 80s show a stark decrease in Arctic sea ice, even with the 2013 “rebound”.

        • F. Guimaraes says:

          Yeah, but you forgot the little detail that Antarctic is not warming,

          Basically, no part of the world is (on the average) warming now, we’re having a cooling trend since 2001,

          If you don’t acknowledge this you’re in denial of the facts
          No matter what you say or what the papers you read say, they must agree with the facts or they’re wrong.

        • F. Guimaraes says:

          @tom0mason says:
          “The idea of the Arctic gain ice with warming is counterintuitive. I’ll agree that the two pole tend to grow and shrink at different times but is there a study of them showing that they are synchronized in any way?”
          Some say that when the Arctic starts to get colder more pronouncedly in the years ahead, the Antarctic will start getting warm due to the see-saw effect,

          but it has not yet started because right now Antarctica is cooling and have been so for 35 years (at least),

          I am of the opinion that even the see-saw effect must be strongly affected by solar radiation levels, which could revert or alter the effect to some extent… but I’m really not sure.

        • tel0 says:

          These are from the IPCC TAR4 predictions made in 2007:

          Snow cover is projected to contract. Widespread increases in thaw depth are projected over most permafrost regions. {10.3, 10.6}

          Sea ice is projected to shrink in both the Arctic and Antarctic under all SRES scenarios. In some projections, arctic late-summer sea ice disappears almost entirely by the latter part of the 21st century. {10.3}

          It is very likely that hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation events will continue to become more frequent. {10.3}

          Based on a range of models, it is likely that future tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes) will become more intense, with larger peak wind speeds and more heavy precipitation associated with ongoing increases of tropical sea surface temperatures. There is less confidence in projections of a global decrease in numbers of tropical cyclones. The apparent increase in the proportion of very intense storms since 1970 in some regions is much larger than simulated by current models for that period. {9.5, 10.3, 3.8}

          Extratropical storm tracks are projected to move poleward, with consequent changes in wind, precipitation and temperature patterns, continuing the broad pattern of observed trends over the last half-century. {3.6, 10.3}

          What should be obvious by now is that these predictions turned out wrong. Given that these are supposedly the foremost climate experts, and they failed their predictions, why take other predictions seriously?

        • matayaya says:

          Why make it about individuals? Stick to the scientific method. It is a fits and starts method that has taught us a whole lot about how the world works. We are a people of laws and a people of the scientific method. Just keep plugging away.

  5. matayaya says:

    Personally I make no predictions. I am just trying to understand climate science 101. Too many of you folks want to reject what 97 percent of climate scientist are saying before fully understanding what they are actually saying. Show a little skepticism toward your beloved 3 percent once in awhile.

    • So an activist publishes a dubious paper claiming that 97% of scientists agree that the planet has warmed and CO2 contributes to warming (which 97% of sceptics agree with anyway)… yet if we look back at the last 20 years of climate science predictions we find out 97% of them turned out to be wrong:

      Yet you still believe with all your heart. How sweet.

      • matayaya says:

        The 97 percent thing refers to peer reviewed climate scientist that believe global warming is being caused by man. You guys are still saying the world is cooling. I don’t think there is a peer reviewed climate scientist out there, 97 per cent or 3 percent, saying global warming doesn’t exist. The debate has moved on to how much and how much is man contributing to it.

      • matayaya says:

        I just read the link attached to your note. This study focuses on surface temperatures. Surface and atmosphere account for only 10 percent of global warming heat. What about the other 90 percent? The author of the study notes briefly that ocean currents “may” play a role but that “too little is known” to be able to include that in the study. “To little is known”, that is cute trick. We may not know everything but we certainly know some things about the ocean heat. The measuring has improved considerably in the last few years and heat is being found lower in the ocean than had been considered before. Surface heat is only the tail of the dog.

  6. Let’s see what we have…

    * The last 10 years or so have been the warmest on record. Which for the last 300 years or so, approximately, has been true also. (Because the planet has been warmingly mildly for that long).

    * The 30 year Arctic sea ice trend is down, although we see a 60 year up/down cycle in the historical temperature data…

    * 97% of climate scientists agree on something trivial that sceptics agree about as well.

    Is this the sum total of your ‘evidence’ that we’re heading for a global warming catastrophe or did I miss something?

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