Understanding The Arctic Meltdown

The super-duper Arctic minimum of 2012 left nothing but thin, rotten, decayed, vulnerable ice. Enter the super-duper global warming Arctic amplification year of 2013, and you have super hot temperatures melting the super-thin ice.

The obvious result of all this is a 60% increase in Arctic ice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding The Arctic Meltdown

  1. miked1947 says:

    The French Canadians are still making their way toward Gjoa Haven.

  2. juergenuie says:

    What thin, rotten, decayed, vulnerable ice?
    Do you remember this:
    Eight explorers drove from Russia to Canada across the North Pole at the beginning of the year.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I’m waiting for the alarmists to say that melting Greenland in 2012 caused the Arctic to refreeze big in 2013 just like they have been chirping about as the cause of the Antarctic record sea ice extent. Some crap about lowering salinity in the seawater and nothing about colder temperatures. And they say we skeptics are in denial. ROFL!

  4. They say the antarctic sea ice is increasing because it melts off the land and freezes when it hits the icy ocean water. Yes, we understand how ocean water off the coast of antarctica is so much colder than antarctica itself. This is proof that parents are giving their kids too much drug money in their college room and board budgets, and/or colleges need to screen their professors for crack and ecstacy

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