University Of Manitoba Neck And Neck With The University Of Ottawa In The Arctic Choom Competition

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November 27th, 2009

“Ship navigation across the pole is imminent as the type of ice which resides there is no longer a barrier to ships in the late summer and fall,” Barber says.

News Release: Thick Arctic Sea Ice Goes Missing

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March 23, 2013

“For the record—I do not think that any sea ice will survive this summer. An event unprecedented in human history is today, this very moment, transpiring in the Arctic Ocean.

My prediction above was based on understanding of the inter-related Artic/climatic system obtained through in-depth research conducted as part of my Ph.D. studies on abrupt climate change, and through my academic work as part-time professor in climatology/meteorology at the University of Ottawa.

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to University Of Manitoba Neck And Neck With The University Of Ottawa In The Arctic Choom Competition

  1. Stefan v says:

    It all depends on what “ship”, and “ice”, really mean. AIR-ship, for instance, and…….er……hmmm. Oh, look, Syria has chemicals. naughty them, lets get them before they get us.

  2. Don says:

    Is that blow up ‘globe’ Beckwith’s date?

  3. villageidiot says:

    “My prediction above was based on understanding of the inter-related Artic/climatic system obtained through in-depth research conducted as part of my Ph.D. studies on abrupt climate change, and through my academic work as part-time professor in climatology/meteorology at the University of Ottawa.”

    It appears your understanding, research and academic prowess are found lacking…. I suggest you go back to your previous part time job.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Why is it, every time I see pictures of these climate clowns, they are doing nothing but f@cking around .. they always have silly little props and stupid shit that they are f@cking around with .. on yours and my f@cking money! I might add…. it just pisses me off. My employer doesn’t pay me to f@ck around like that, and yours probably doesn’t either.

  5. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    Barber and Beckwith are just trying to challenge David “Dr. Fruit Fly” Suzuki for the title of dumbest ass greenie hysteric moron in the Great White North.

    Funny how many of the eco nutters and loonies have been spawned here. On the other hand Canuckistan has produced Steve McIntyre and Donna LaFramboise.

  6. Shazaam says:

    Besides, the Choom Climatological Research Institute (CCRI) conducted a long and exhaustive study to determine that Canadian universities do indeed have some of the best choom on the planet.

    Thus, according to the CCRI, the word of these “researchers” is not to be questioned.

  7. Brian Johnson UK says:

    Ultra EcoLoons all of them!

  8. Edmonton Al says:

    Another Canadian eco-loon Andrew Weaver elected Green Party MLA in BC

  9. TomE says:

    I suspect the two professors did not enjoy this article as much as I did. When you go way way out on a limb, recognize that it can break and the results are not pretty.

  10. stewart pid says:

    Are Barber and Beckwith on Steven’s mailing list? Do they even know about this?

  11. scizzorbill says:

    When I see the word ‘unprecedented’, I know it’s bullshit.

  12. pinroot says:

    My failed prediction above was based on my complete lack of understanding of the inter-related Artic/climatic system, supposedly obtained through in-depth research conducted as part of my Ph.D. studies on abrupt climate change, and through my less than impressive academic work as part-time professor in climatology/meteorology at the University of Ottawa.

    Fixed it for the professor.

  13. Streetcred says:

    Will somebody please buy that clown a pair of long pants … my apologies, it’s a kid with what looks like a beard-shadow thing so shorts are uniform. Which reminds me, if behind every beard there was wisdom, goats would be prophets — attributable to some famous person whose name I don’t recall.

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