US Drought Monitor Shows Flooded Los Alamos In Drought

Los Alamos is trying to recover from flooding, and the Washington DC based US Drought Monitor shows them having a drought.

ScreenHunter_995 Sep. 27 07.15

State Drought Monitor

ScreenHunter_996 Sep. 27 07.21

Lab sustains ‘millions’ in flooding damage |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to US Drought Monitor Shows Flooded Los Alamos In Drought

  1. David Lee says:

    The endless official “drought” and whole liberal agenda is driven by a desire of the elites to increase their power over every aspect of our lives, even our toilets. They rub their lies in our faces and make it so obvious. Forcing followers to willingly, even eagerly, suffer senseless indignities is actually an important part of establishing dominance by a priests over their followers. Several world records for such techniques might be held by Jim Jones. He actually made his followers, male and female, to submit to sex with him, while he forbade all other sex by his followers.

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