US July Maximum Temperatures Getting Cooler As CO2 Has Increased

If CO2 controls the climate as 97% of all intelligent people believe, then 307 PPM would fry the US and 400 PPM will keep us cool.

ScreenHunter_772 Sep. 20 09.15

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

Climate scientists tell us that colder is better, so we must set a goal of 2,000 PPM in order to bring back the glaciers to Chicago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to US July Maximum Temperatures Getting Cooler As CO2 Has Increased

  1. Shazaam says:

    If CO2 controls the climate as 97% of all intelligent people all the brain-washed sheeple believe,

    Fixed that for ya.

    Unless you have a new-speak definition of intelligent??

  2. Gamecock says:

    Good grief, Goddard! Are you going to believe scientists, or thermometers?

  3. Sparks says:

    Is it acceptable to use the difference between CO2 and degrees centigrade or is that the point! (sniggers)

  4. Andy DC says:

    You need to look at “official” NOAA approved stations, like National Airport near DC where the shelter is on gravel, surrounded by asphalt, concrete, air conditioning exhaust and jet exhaust. Or Dulles Airport, where surrounding population had increase exponentially, yet they warm the present and cool the past.

  5. Cool to see the acceleration in CO2 as a slowing frequency of temperature change vs CO2. Once again your work reveals some interesting unforeseen angle on the subject. This is an excellent example of just “taking a section” of one factor with respect to another. Widely used in places outside of climate science.

  6. tom0mason says:

    Have the temperatures been correctly Hansenized?

  7. bkivey says:

    “. . . as 97% of all intelligent people believe,”.
    Glad to be in the top 2%.

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