US Violent Crime Rate Plummeting

The main epidemic of violence the US is experiencing is Obama’s war against the US Constitution.

ScreenHunter_708 Sep. 18 22.13

FBI — Table 1

Most of the murders in the US are committed by people who Obama thinks could have been his son.

FBI — Table 43

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to US Violent Crime Rate Plummeting

  1. Mike Mellor says:

    I’m proud to see that my homeboys in America stepped up to the plate and did their fair share in one category out of thirty, namely DUI. They also earned silver and bronze in Liquor Laws and Drunkenness. WTG Honkeys!

    • Homer. Consider the percentage of white drivers on the road.

      • Mike Mellor says:

        That’s what I’m saying, buddy. Look at the percentages column. Whites are 72.4% of the population and should be 72.4% of all arrests. But in only the three categories I listed did the honkeys exceed their quota. Does it look like we have a drinking problem or what. Whites were there or thereabout in Arson, Vandalism, and Sex Offences (excluding forcible rape and prostitution). With all other categories it looks like the whites are sitting back and leaving it to other races to do all their dirty work. (PS some of my best friends are white.)

        • gator69 says:

          Hispanics are part of the ‘white’ percentage. Your claims are unfounded.

        • TeaPartyGeezer says:

          Mike … where did you get 72.4% from?

          I did a population breakdown from a couple years ago. I came up with 63.4% White and 16.7% Hispanic … if they are adding Whites and Hispanics together for crime statistics, then Whites should be roughly 80% of the population.

          This just sucks. If we are going to hurl insults at each other based on these statistics, then we should at least be able to trust the statistics. We can’t.

          There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

        • Shazaam says:

          Erm… these days that should read:

          “There are lies, damned lies, statistics and government statistics.”

          (I’m lumping climatology “research” in with government statistics since it’s so often government funded)

      • TeaPartyGeezer says:


        There’s something wrong with Table 43 …

        It lists the races as White, Black, Amer Indian, Asian. Where are Hispanics?

        They either omitted crimes by Hispanics … or they combined Whites and Hispanics.

        What’s going on? What am I missing?

        • Shazaam says:

          The government statisticians have been counting the Hispanic population as white.

          One could speculate that bit of statistical flim-flammery was intended to boost the white crime numbers. However, the Hispanic crime rate has had no significant impact on the White crime statistics.

          An excellent write-up about urban crime in America: <— well worth the time to read.

        • TeaPartyGeezer says:

          Shazaam …. that is so wrong.

          In all other government statistical measurements by race, Hispanics are considered a separate race. The US Census, Affirmative Action, Welfare, etc. It makes absolutely no sense to combine the two races for crime statistics.

          If the Hispanic crime rate is statistically indistinguishable from the White crime rate, then why not just do the breakdown to show that? How would anybody know if that statistical comparison diverges … if White or Hispanic rates did increase or decrease, how would we know unless we tracked it? Hispanics are 16% (and growing) of the population compared to only 13% for blacks. Why ‘disappear’ a particular race, a substantial portion of the population, when comparing crime statistics by race?

          A case could be made for combining Amer Indians and Asians, since they are such a small percent of the population. Heck, then we could make it really>/b> easy and just have two groups to compare … Blacks and Everybody Else.

          Yes, this is statistical flim-flammery at its worst. It’s either statistics by race or it’s not …

          If nothing else, the column for Whites should at least be labeled ‘Whites & Hispanics.’

        • Shazaam says:

          You’re preaching to the choir here.

          I lost faith in government statistics long ago. Government statisticians try to hide their gamesmanship, and the truth always emerges.

          Follow the link in my post above. A fascinating analysis showing that the statistical flim-flam didn’t accomplish anything significant.

          I love it when the government gamesmanship backfires.

        • TeaPartyGeezer says:

          I started to read it but it quickly got into the weeds. Partly because the author seemed to be concerned about immigration status rather than race … immigration status is not the issue.

        • Shazaam says:

          Wrong. Our political “masters” have realized that they can reduce inner city crime by displacing the resident black populations with immigrant Hispanics. It’s working well for Mordor on the Potomac (DC).

          Kinda explains a lot of the politico’s eagerness to increase the Hispanic populations in their cities. It’s a win-win for (D) politicians as they reduce crime and increase their voting base.

  2. Ray Haze says:

    Race is nothing but a pecking order for peons and especially from white trash that is so low on the totem pole all they do is focus on race and blame. We had it bad growing up white and working class in America ! Wahhh , you minorities have no clue ! <– sarcasm for dummies

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