We Are All Counting On Oz


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to We Are All Counting On Oz

  1. Cheryl says:

    Believe me, most of us are doing our best. I do not think we will let you down!!

  2. Muzza says:

    I’ve done my bit for the cause today!

  3. Bruce says:

    Quite hopeful here. I have used my spatha in the voting booth to eviscerate the enemy on the ballot paper (yes we still use paper and pencil – its harder to steal an election with a paper trail), and now the salt will be sowed over their remains. Starting with the carbon tax.

  4. stephen says:

    thanks mate

  5. Streetcred says:

    The ‘rogering’ has begun … by sundown the scum will have been pushed back to oblivion !

  6. Marian says:

    Good Luck from across the pond here NZ. Hope The election goes well and the scum carbon tax gets scrapped.

    Then maybe the AGW/CC believers in power this way might scrap the BS ETS.

  7. Climatism says:

    The change back to a conservative Govt LONG overdue.

    However regarding AGW policies, although Abbott’s Govt is dumping the Carbon Tax, they are still firm believers in the AGW scam. They have also ruled out dumping the insane Renewable Energy Target (RET). So useless, feel-good wind/solar here to stay unfort.

    We will still have a ‘Climate Action’ minister – Greg Hunt who is as brainwashed by the AGW religion as the most hardened eco-fascist. Hunt’s Uni thesis was titled “Attacks to make the polluter pay”!

    The Liberal (LNP) Govt has a “Direct Action” plan which will aim to improve the tangible environment – and thankfully not ship $$ overseas to the UN, EU ETS and tin-pot dictators (yet). They will only spend $3 billion over 5 years to meet 5% BS emission reduction target. If they don’t meet target they have committed not to spend anymore….

    Part of Direct Action is a 12,000 strong ‘Green Army’!? Here’s a preview of them in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVPyHrPZbVM

    ..Yes Hunt has a history with UNLA21 Agenda 21, although he denies it. http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/agenda-21-shutting-debate-down.html

    Greg Hunt also backs Australia signing up to an extension of the Kyoto protocol http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/coalition-ready-to-back-kyoto-2-20120815-24938.html

    Good start today getting rid of the waste and appalling governance of the socialist Rudd/Gillard dictatorships, though we still have a LOOOONG way to rid Aus of the BS AGW religion that is so engrained in the ‘feel-good’ politics of the day.

    Watch Abbott – he will make a very good PM.

    How to get rid of RET, Hunt and the UN …..

  8. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Go Aussie! I’m hoping you are the first domino to fall.

  9. Jeff Todd says:

    Enjoy your freedom from the eco-nazis; unfortunately in the UK we will continue to labour under EU diktats and EU-first diktats from our own MPs.

  10. Robertv says:

    In Australia there is still a difference between political parties ? Are they not all paid by the same lobbies ? What if nothing changes will there be a revolution ?

    • Robertv says:

      Green Germany.

      German consumers already pay the highest electricity prices in Europe. But because the government is failing to get the costs of its new energy policy under control, rising prices are already on the horizon. Electricity is becoming a luxury good in Germany, and one of the country’s most important future-oriented projects is acutely at risk.

      Environment Minister Peter Altmaier’s predecessor once claimed that switching Germany to renewable energy wasn’t going to cost citizens more than one scoop of ice cream. Today Altmaier admits consumers are paying enough to “eat everything on the ice cream menu.”

      The government has high hopes for the expansion of offshore wind farms. But the construction sites are in a state of chaos: Wind turbines off the North Sea island of Borkum are currently rotating without being connected to the grid. The connection cable will probably not be finished until next year. In the meantime, the turbines are being run with diesel fuel to prevent them from rusting.



  11. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Well done Oz!

  12. Tony lear says:

    The Liberal Party has been announced the winner in the Lower House and our new PM Tony Abbott has described Global Warming as “Crap”. The real battle is for the Senate places. The Greens believe they will get votes from those who normally vote for the Labor Party and hope to move up in this way. This is the point of interest now.

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